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Sarah Mulqueen Jun 2016
I, solemnly swear... . . . .
Who to?
I've never met you.
I could lie through my teeth, & you have to take my word for it.

Of course I have lack of faith.
When I have to trust ******* like this.
Our future is dependent on imbeciles.
Crumpling away.
Like the forests, the lakes, & streams.

Shivering at this thought is an understatement.
The world WILL go on, Mother Nature will rise up & rid herself of the parasites.
That is why I struggle to sleep at night.

I, solemnly swear to do better by this planet.
Our home.
Sarah Mulqueen May 2016
At a ripe young age my imagination would take me to faraway lands, where I knew I was safe because you were there to guide me.
As I grew I became confused by decisions made for me,
I was upset because you were my Dad but were unable to be there for me.
Headstrong & stubborn with an attitude to boot, are just a couple of reasons we clashed.
Whirling & twirling down a chaotic self destructive path.
Too scared to scream.
Too tired to ask for help.
I wish I had listened to you.
As I grow now I remember the guidance you gave me, I cherish the moments of laughter & memories you made with me. I regret the years we missed amidst all the chaos.
Seeing passion & knowledge just flowing out of you.
Taking the time to know you, become your friend as well as your daughter.
I love you Dad with all my heart, I'm just sorry I didn't say it sooner xo.
Sarah Mulqueen Apr 2016
******* just let me sleep,
without nightmares or fare.
Without pain from clenching & grinding my teeth to the core.
Just please let me sleep.
Without aching tense muscles,
dread & anything more.
One night without clammy fists fulls of hair,
sheets drenched and clinging with sweat.
I weep as dawn breaks for I know my slumber awaits,
& the lord won't allow me to sleep.
Sarah Mulqueen Sep 2015
As the tears stream down her solemn face
The curtains fall
The mask drops
She waits
As her 'friends' disappear
Sarah Mulqueen Sep 2015
She looked up at him and smiled.
For she knew whatever she had to face, as long as she had him,
She'd be home.
Sarah Mulqueen Aug 2015
The dew drenched garden on a crisp Autumn morning.
Birds singing their song as you start your day.
Mist rolling over the Hunter Hills & down the galley, creating a lite fog throughout the town.
Your shoes become slicker with moisture, flicking drips into the air as you crunch through the leaves on your walk to school.
Teeth chattering as you make your your journey, steam rising from your mouth a constant reminder of the porige you had for breakfast.
Young & oblivious to the beautiful scenery that surrounds you.
The days when the worst part is facing possible detention.
If only I knew then just how easy I had it.
Sarah Mulqueen Aug 2015
Thrown back a melenia, learning to crawl and take those first steps once again.
Thrown into the darkest corners in my mind, made to confront those fears.
Vulnerability, an understatement.
You could never imagine the cool slime like shield that surrounds my form.
Once a bubble,
A haven,
Clean & pure now burst torn & ripped into a million little pieces making it impossible to put back together again.
I weep for my inner child,
Those demons & torment haunting me.
My dreams what once were, now will never be.
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