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sankavi Jan 2020
now you know I like you

I guess you don't like me back though

that's ok, I still think you're the most amazing person:)
93 · Sep 2020
silly me
sankavi Sep 2020
i am ready to drop everything for this boy
I am ready to pack my things and run away
I am ready to live for him
I am ready to die for him
I am ready to do anything for him

I wish hed do the same
92 · Jul 2019
petty wars
sankavi Jul 2019
friendships lost
through petty wars

at least i know who stays and who goes
at least i know youre not worth it anyways
sankavi Jan 2020
i am over you
but when you text me only when you need something
it hurts
a lot
88 · Jan 2020
sankavi Jan 2020
i was numb for so long
but now i cant stop crying
make it stop
86 · Sep 2019
The ex pt 2
sankavi Sep 2019
I care about you too much to let you love her again
84 · Jan 2020
sankavi Jan 2020
i hate how much power you have over me
you can say one thing and id do anything to make you happy

but i love how you can say one thing
and it can keep me happy for the whole day
83 · Jan 2020
life's moving too fast
sankavi Jan 2020
I'm not ready to grow up yet
I'm not ready to leave my friends

I need to have fun
fall in love
create everlasting bonds

I cant grow up
I'm too scared to grow up

and life is moving too fast
80 · Sep 2020
sankavi Sep 2020
it's 5:30 in the morning
and no matter what show I put on
or what book I read
I can't keep my mind off you

why can't I stop loving you?
I hate the way you make me feel
the way you ignore me for days, weeks, months
I hate you so much
so then why can't I stop being in love with you

it's 5:30 in the morning
and I just keep thinking about you
the first time we met
you talked to me like we had known each other for years
you said you liked my doc martens
you said "I'm gonna be that cool friend who gives you a nickname"

I remember the first time you actually called me by my name
I was skipping class and I saw you and waved and you waved back
someone told you not to wave like that
and you said "but sankavi waved to me"
and then I said "aw you said my name" and you told me not to make it a big deal

I remember the first and only time we hugged
I was walking and I saw you and you just opened your arms
it was the most awkward hug because while it still means so much to me you probably don't even remember your friend asked if I was your girlfriend and I said "ew no" probably shouldn't have said that.
I got in trouble that day because I kept walking around during math with you and someone gave you a box of chocolate that you through on the ground and then picked up and I was stealing you pop from my math end-of-year party.

I remember the day I knew I loved you
we went to the school dance together. we were supposed to go with the guy you thought I liked it too but he didn't show up thankfully. the dance got boring so we left and sat in the park. you asked me "if you were to date anyone in the school who would it be" and I remember wanting to say you so badly but I just couldn't work up the nerve to do so.

it's 5:30 in the morning
and I'm here writing about you, crying about you, thinking about you
while you're sleeping

I hope one day I'll mean at least half as much as you mean to me
I love you but I really do hate you
76 · Sep 2020
4am thoughts about you
sankavi Sep 2020
10 months
its been 10 months
and after all this time I still cant get over you

finding people who don't care
men I cant trust

trying to feel anything
anything at all than the love I feel for you

I'm happy I love you
and I know you love me too
but I know you're not in love
I know you'll never love me more than I love you

I would do anything for you
I need you to know that
anything at all to make you happy
the happiest you could possibly be

I care about you so much that it hurts most of the time
all I want is for you to care about me

to think about me like I think about you
every second of everyday

I think I love you so much that I hate you
I hate everything about you but I love everything too
I just want you too stop existing so I could stop feeling this way
but then yet again you make me wanna live everyday

I just want to be friends with you without being in love with you
WHy is that so hard?

— The End —