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Ever evolving
Creative and artistic
So Soulful
Stayed by the Duomo
David and The Medici
Easy to love
Forever in my heart
She is Italy for me
Luckily have met her sister cities
Until we meet again
Ciao, Bella.
Dolce Vita and Domani
You gave me the gift of friends for life
Milioni di grazie

Selfish people need to take a step back and look at the whole picture of life not just themselves and the media. It’s poor taste of character in my opinion. No one deserves that treatment… Respect is what we all need…
You chatter away like
an angry squirrel,
I watch you scamper
off and finally resemble
a fading flower.
Here's a link to my you tube channel where I read my poetry from my recently published book, Rise Up Collected Poems and Short Stories.  Available on
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