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Sam Steele Apr 2021
I’ve lips that need some lips to kiss
My hand needs a hand to hold
My heart could use some love close by
Till I’m scatter-brained and old

I’ve a touch that needs some tender skin
To feel its warm embrace
I’ve love to give but no-ones there
I’m like a shoe without a lace

I have hugs that need somebody
They look so clumsy on their own
There is emptiness around me
In a house that’s not a home

My life could use some living
And it’s better lived with 2
I know you’re out there somewhere
I can’t wait to bond with you
Sam Steele Apr 2021
When duty called, I had to go, around the world to roam
But part of me is miles from here because it stayed at home
Where ere you be remember this, whenever you feel blue
Although I may be out of sight, my heart remains with you

With war my mind is busy, but my soul cannot forget
So every day that I’m away the things I most regret
Is how I can’t be close to you, where our vows we could renew
And I could tell you heart to heart, I’m still in love with you

I want to wake up near you and to feel your warming glow
I miss the little tiffs we have, one says yes and one says no
I like the odd occasion when I kiss you just by chance
And the times that we meet eye to eye with a little sideways glance

I want to sit beside you in the shade of some big trees
The chance to whisper little things that really are a tease
Or discuss our weekend options irrespective of the choice
Just because it gives an extra chance to listen to your voice

Instead I sit here by myself and I'm longing for the day
That I can finish up this work and finally get away
Returning to the partner and the love I know is mine
Then I can hug you with my arms instead of in a rhyme
Sam Steele Apr 2021
Take it from me, the things you can see
The wonders your eyes will behold
Mother Nature did good in this neighbourhood
It’s a landscape of riches untold

The lochs and the glens, the Munros and Bens
They are stunning you can’t disagree
Rivers Clyde and the Tay and the Forth and the Spey
The Findhorn, the Don and the Dee

All kinds of rocks, have been turned into brochs
Into castles and bothies and cairns
If I had a say I would choose Skara Brea
As a great place to show your wee bairns

From clear waters great *****, great meat from the coos
That both share the rich fertile fields
So too the deer, with venison premiere
And the sheep produce great woollen yields

The fishing’s fantastic, there’s salmon (Atlantic)
Grayling and pike and big charr
I’ve so little doubt there’s superior trout
That I’ll not tell you quite where they are

We think thistles divine and we like the scots pine
The heather is gorgeous in flower
There’s gorse on the ground. Scottish bluebells around
It’s what young haggis prefer to devour

We have eagles and kites and owls through the night
Ptarmigan.  The grouse are widespread
If you don’t fancy that, there’s a breed of wild cat
And lots of our squirrels are red

Both at midnight and noon it’s like Brigadoon
The landscape is magic caressed
Every plant, every hill is possessed of good will
And the nice beasty that lives in Loch Ness

I could tell you more, but I’d just make you snore
But believe me that’s far from it all
If you’re still full of doubt come quick, don’t lose out
‘Cause we might rebuild Hadrian’s Wall
Cruth-tire is pronounced Crew-che-ra
The words is Gaelic for 'landscape'.
Sam Steele Apr 2021
Another gun, another shot, another bullet flies
Another place, another wound, another person dies

Another paper’s headline, another claim of disbelief
Another time of sorrow, and another family’s grief

In the aftermath of ******, it’s another call to prayer
Another prelude to inaction in a land that doesn’t care

I pray that we can live a life devoid of death and fear
I pray to stop the slaughter in this barbaric atmosphere

I pray the hate stops flying.  I pray the threat soon ends
I pray for all my children; I pray for family and for friends

I pray for love, I pray for hope, I pray the killings cease
I pray for you, I pray for me, I pray for lasting peace

Though God may have the upper it’s not God’s hand on the gun
Give a weapon to a demon and a wicked deed gets done

We have armed the devil’s legions, and oh how he is smirking
It’s time to change the gun laws. It’s clear the prayers aren’t working
Sam Steele Mar 2021
See the kettle boiling
(Ate the biscuit long ago)
Have to let it brew a while
Tenterhooks are all aglow

Nervous system ready
For the stimulating brew
Oh my goodness gracious
Too amazing to be true

For the answer scroll down

C See the kettle boiling
8 (Ate the biscuit long ago)

H Have to let it brew a while
10 Tenderhooks are all aglow

N Nervous system ready
4 For the stimulating brew

O Oh my goodness gracious
2 Too amazing to be true

C8 H1O N4 O2 – The Caffeine Molecule
Sam Steele Mar 2021
Mine’s a gun-based culture and shooting is my thing
To my local firing range, guns and bullets I will bring
I fire handsome weapons at the targets one by one
Exquisite is the harmony of bullet, man and gun

Trigger finger twitching, my targets fill with holes
The agony and ecstasy as I achieve my goals
Its ok what I’m doing here. All my buddies say
Its part of our rich culture, backed by the N-R-A

With many kinds of shooting range, whatever you’re desiring
Just pick your favourite subject and get the guns a firing
A synagogue, a classroom, a concert or a mall
There’s moving targets everywhere (until they’re hit and fall)

A worshiper, a music fan, a child or the police
A president, a classroom aid will hear the shattered peace
I see them down and bleeding.  They twitch uncontrollably
Just like my trigger finger, we’re in perfect harmony

Triggers pulled, targets fall.  Morning, noon or night
You can’t stop what I’m doing, it’s a 2nd amendment right
Mine’s a shooting culture.  With my gun I get my say
It can’t be wrong, cause if it was they’d change it. Wouldn’t they?

— The End —