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 Nov 2015 Samantha
Inside I'm crying
outside I'm smiling
no one notices
but its hard for me to control this
when you see me walk by
it doesn't look like it but I want to die
thoughts racing through my head
then comes the tears that I shed
how can I change
all the tears and rage
you say you understand
and all I need is a helping hand
that may be true
but first take a walk in my shoes
sadness, angers, and unbearable pain
you'll be taking a walk full of nothing but shame
as time moves slower
my self-esteem gets lower
am I nothing to this world
or am I just a worthless teenage girl?
 Nov 2015 Samantha
You're still there,
At the end of my fingertips,
Your taste is still there teasing my tongue,
Your sweet face,
Haunts all my dreams,
Your beautiful heart still has its strings,
Wrapped around mine,
Tell me how to let you go,
When everything about you,
Is still living in my chest,
Crawling through the tunnels of my mind,
And leaving soft but painful bruises, on my soul
Some women leave a mark on you that you can never erase, Her scent, her smile, her tears when she cries. I am scarred in the most beautiful Way. Move on they say. I say, I won't give up without a fight.
 Nov 2015 Samantha
 Nov 2015 Samantha
Loyalty at it's finest
A steady heart made of gold
Filled with good intent
A tiny bit selfish but mostly selfless
Helpful without complaint
Honest to a fault and truth
That can be measured
Laughter with sincerity
Humble and at your service
Tears that pour only when troubled
So please don't trouble me
This description
Is what he misses
This desription is me
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