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the foundations are shifting
small earthquakes getting stronger
the gates of hell being opened
Oh Mankind and its building, folly.
The outside cats
Trust me now,
Every time I
Come out they
Meow and talk
To me, ask me
For food,
Maybe the
Others that
Also care for
Them haven’t been
Feeding them lately,
I run inside fast,
So the cigarette
In my mouth
Doesn’t stink up
The place, I open
A pack of wet food,
I put it down in
The little corner that
I always do,
And I crawl my way
Back to my seat and
Watch them enjoy their
I found parts of me
inside my poetry
I could never see
in strange reality.
As I stand
in the rain,
of water
play and
roll down
my fingers
and into
the ground,
I feel like
A stray cat,
A runt
By his mother,
Or like a fish
In less water,
I flop on the
And catch
My breath
In between
The wound was wet
Your skin was salt
You felt at fault just under fleeing threat
The night we met
I've not left yet
Caught in this field where I can't forget

You begged a kiss
I tore away
Circling prey, hear my vulture hiss
The claws I miss
Your beak's sharp bliss
Feed on rusted pain, the end of this

The death of me
The time I haunt
My flesh torn gaunt, I won't fly towards free
Keep pecking debris
The sickness in me
I trace it back, to that night's last plea
stone and muscle
a creed and silence

work and rest
a helping hand

sisters and brothers
fathers and mothers

a family unison
love made manifest
a muffled song came through the walls
the walls of my shame
clearer now its sweet refrain,
'don't you know you are forgiven'
who can plumb the depths of the heart?
make sense of suffering?  and more
the suffering inflicted by another's hand?
freedom is granted
a fight won for you

now belonging to the fighter-
pointing to freedom
I Wonder where
I Might wander to
If i had a friend or
two To wander Too
Words make me wonder. They really  make me think. Did i use it right or is it rite? How are we to know that a k in front of n o w will make the sound no but add a w to no and we have now. Thats the easy part. English is hard.
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