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  Apr 2022 Sally A Bayan
Mrs Timetable
The vibe of you makes me melt
But not so I can sleep
Puddle of emotions
Cannot be explained
You let me inhale
A trace of that vibe
And it's all I need
Just knowing you are there
Sally A Bayan Mar 2022
It's a space within a space, where
all are transparent...i am myself.

On two layers of shelves on a wall,
a dictionary and a thesaurus,
share space with what seems like
an heirloom of books, old and new:
Gibran, Dylan Thomas, Dickinson,
Bronte, P. B. Shelley, Jane Eyre,
Hosseini, few Ludlum oldies, etc...

Here, a blending of the tangible and
the intangible is present, like habits
and thoughts that don't, and can't die,
stuffs that've endured the years: old
unposted poems with scribbled notes,
faded photos in sepia...faded jeans;
a bed that awaits fatigued body and
mind on toxic days, and becomes a
desk to write on...when needed.

It's not as though nothing's awry,
imperfections are seen by the eyes,
some details may not be precise
in this accepted clutter of daily goings-
on...of feelings...of some undoings
that interrupt and are mingling
with enigmas flashing up the ceiling;
lost shoe-laces wander, and go hiding
among indispensable habits and things,
kept...retained, like a hanging purse,
grabbed, when a sudden trip occurs.

It's hot and cold in this ***** place,
it's cozy, my neatly-cluttered space.

sally b

Rosalia Rosrio A. Bayan
March 24, 2022
To be loved deeply, intensely
you yourself must
love deeply, intensely
Faith deepens faith
Love deepens love
Tenderness evokes tenderness
Love tenderly.

While walking down the road
A voice not there is heard

I turn and stare in silence
Lost in the moment of uncertainty

The silence is eternal
Has left me with nothing now to say

I turn into indifferance
and shuffle on my way

Half expecting a goodbye
There is nothing but my sigh
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