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 Jan 2016 Safoora
 Jan 2016 Safoora
She knew,
she was different
and that
she wont fit in
they'd never accept her
as the real her
she knew
there are boundaries
always to be kept
there are lines
never to be stepped on
that there are limits
never to be crossed...

They knew
she was different
and that
being different was
not here choice
it was in her
like an instinct
and knew the chances
of her dying
if they tried to
change her
but still
they ordered her to
change !!

Surrendering to them
just to be accepted
to be normal
like others
she decided to change
after fighting a war
killing her dreams
and a part of her soul
she was finally able
to supress her
wired side and
was Ordinary
like others !!

— The End —