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 Mar 2015 Runner
Dust Bowl
I gave my tormentor the title of best friend
because for once,
it felt like someone saw me the same way I did.
I fell in love with a boy who bruised instead of kissed
because for once,
I didnt have to be the one to beat myself up.

He was a monster
that I so badly wanted to charm
because for once,
it wasn't my problems I was struggling to solve.
 Jun 2013 Runner
A Thomas Hawkins
Never fall in love with a poet
for their words are sometimes lies
on occasions they're a shield
on occasions a disguise

They will take you on a journey
upon which they bare their soul
in a bid to ease your burdens
in a bid to make you whole

But in every word they choose
for the stories that they tell
lies a little piece of heaven
and a little piece of hell

Tormented souls we poets are
sometimes quite broken and despaired
in search of lost expressions
missed by others who once cared

Never fall in love with a poet
unless you're prepared to share their pain
to hold them close on the darkest nights
over and again
Follow me on Twitter @athomashawkins
 May 2013 Runner
 May 2013 Runner
This is the journal of
Amethyst Marie
where all are welcome
and all are free,
but only if you know
the name of Amethyst Marie.
Few know the girl that
fits the name, but if you do
then have no shame;
continue reading and
explore the mind of
a tortured soul who went
mad with time. The insanity
only continues to sprout
as the clock ticks on,
no, there is no doubt that
Amethyst Marie will continue
to write no matter how much
it hurts every night. She will
continue to use the pages
until no more are left
to fill. Amethyst Marie will
document every feeling she
has until the last pill that she
swallows. Either the one that
takes her away or the last one
that allows her to keep from
going insane. So welcome to
the journal of Amethyst Marie.
I hope you enjoy your stay
and I hope you can return to
come visit me.
This isn't really a poem; it's just the foreward in my journal and I wanted to share.
 May 2013 Runner
 May 2013 Runner
it's suicide

but the wistful
thin milky smoke
reminds me of peace
that I never feel anymore.

the drag
the heat
and I drag my lungs behind me on a gravel road
but the hit
I take

to wrap my lips
around a death trap
an expensive
I want to smoke cigarettes, but I can't. I think they look beautiful. But they do such horrible things to your body.
 May 2013 Runner
Olivia Kent
Straight Talking *** written with love in mind!

Averted a tragic waste of sorrow,
As clash of titans,
Wielding pens in penance,
Wasting gifts,
As spread thin over crumbling cobbles,
Words are wonderful,
Treasure and joy,
So let's not fight,
Let pen kiss paper ,
With super might!
Sometimes disturbing,
Often perturbing,
Created in individual style,
In mind at time,
Just like mine,
All from creation,
Individual minds,
Know what's said,
Great minds think alike while idiot's never differ !
Two great pens must play on!
By ladylivvi1

— The End —