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Sep 2018 · 688
Roisin Sullivan Sep 2018
Light breaking through the clouds.
I sit with my dog on my lap,
My cat curled by my head
And an autumn breeze blowing in.

There’s no sound but breathing.
Smoke from incense curls in the air
Joining steam from my tea
Smelling of roses and jasmine.

The temple is at peace.
My mind and my body are not.
I sit at the altar
Praying my thoughts will burn away.
Sep 2018 · 190
Roisin Sullivan Sep 2018
I have something growing
Inside of me.
Rooted in my belly,
Upwards flowing.

A **** conquering all,
It clogs and chokes,
Thick, broad, and strong like oaks,
While tending flaws.
Jun 2017 · 504
Smoother Sailing
Roisin Sullivan Jun 2017
A child of the sea I'll forever be,
Diving between waves of emotion.
One minute I'm riding high on a crest
Only to drown in salt water the next.
If only there existed a potion
For smoother sailing on this churning sea.
Jun 2016 · 974
Roisin Sullivan Jun 2016
I saw stardust in your hands
As you slipped away
Smiling to yourself
Moving beyond earthly things.
Jun 2016 · 1.4k
Roisin Sullivan Jun 2016
I think the rage is gone now.
I feel clean
Like fresh laundry.

My moody storms are over.
I'm still now
As a mountain.

The tears have completely dried.
I am wind
Blowing through sand.

I sit in an oasis
Waiting for
The next big storm.
Dec 2015 · 740
Roisin Sullivan Dec 2015
I looked outside and
The sky was on fire.
Not a vague omen,
But a promise

Of what is, what was
And what is to come.

I looked inside and
My soul was a pyre.
Not a funeral,
But sacrifice

Of what is, what was
And what is to come.
Feb 2015 · 639
Roisin Sullivan Feb 2015
I tumbled into love with you

And now I'm slowly
Crawling my way out.
Dec 2014 · 542
Comes a Time
Roisin Sullivan Dec 2014
Comes a time
When everyone gets tired.
Same old things
Same old repetitions.

Comes a time
When patience runs right out.
No more smiles
No more waiting around.

Comes a time
When I realize some things.
What I want
And who I want to be.
Dec 2014 · 946
Roisin Sullivan Dec 2014
A nor'easter is building
Inside of me.
It howls with rage,
With loneliness, with boredom.

Each day it's getting stronger;
Harsh winds whipping,
Sea waves crashing.
It wants to go home. Let it.
Dec 2014 · 919
Roisin Sullivan Dec 2014
I hardly think of you now;
It's incredible.
I lived and breathed you,
Swallowed your words like chocolate,
But now you're just a small stain
Hidden in the folds
Of some old bed sheets
I never use anymore.
Dec 2014 · 425
Roisin Sullivan Dec 2014
Sometimes I still think about
Running away; tropical
Shores or breathtaking mountains.

I wouldn't even mind not
Seeing the sun again if
Your shadow was blocking it.
Nov 2014 · 1.9k
Roisin Sullivan Nov 2014
As I drove closer
I could feel the pulse
Move through my body.

My heartbeat fluttered
Knowing it was near;
Family, friends, home.
Home again
Nov 2014 · 10.1k
Roisin Sullivan Nov 2014
I want to rip my skin off
               And crawl into someone else's.
Nov 2014 · 10.6k
Roisin Sullivan Nov 2014
I sit here becoming a ghost again.
Fading away,
Until I stop existing completely.

I have sacrificed everything for you;
My joy, my life.
I think to myself, what was it all for?
Nov 2014 · 529
Roisin Sullivan Nov 2014
I see you staring at me
The clear statement in your eyes:
"You're sick, you're sick"
Words unsaid, but deeply meant.

And then the winning question:
"Have you taken your pills yet?"
Suspended there
Like you have the right to ask.

As if that is the reason
We keep having these issues,
These creeping doubts,
In our claustrophobic lives.

Because I've taken my pills.
Swallowed them like tasty sweets
Always hoping
That they'd get caught in my throat.

No, it isn't the issue,
They always do their duty.
It's time to face
That we are the **** problem.
Nov 2014 · 1.5k
Frozen Roses
Roisin Sullivan Nov 2014
Roses always look beautiful
When the frost comes.
Always look poised
And fragile encased in the crystal.

But soon enough
The cold seeps in,
Blackening and withering them
Until they die.
Nov 2014 · 378
Dried Up
Roisin Sullivan Nov 2014
I feel dried up.
As if the summer sun
Absorbed all my creativity.

And it's only now exposed
In the pale fall moonlight.
Oct 2014 · 2.1k
Roisin Sullivan Oct 2014
Though sometimes the dawn
Is obscured by opaque,
Gray clouds, the sun remains
As it always does.
Oct 2014 · 509
Roisin Sullivan Oct 2014
I keep finding cracks
In the foundation of our home,
But you bring out tools
So we can fix it right back up.

And that makes all the difference.
Oct 2014 · 294
Empty Rooms
Roisin Sullivan Oct 2014
I tell my stories and secrets
To the empty rooms
You left behind.
Oct 2014 · 430
Roisin Sullivan Oct 2014
In the dark clouds approaching,
I see deep sadness.
In your dark, clear eyes,
I see only the warm sun.
Sep 2014 · 5.2k
Japanese Maple Tree
Roisin Sullivan Sep 2014
Moonlight glinted off my hair
And had turned yours to silver.
As we danced round and around,
We became stars that didn't
Belong in this universe.

But I'm sure in another
We're still laughing and playing
In the moonlight underneath
The Japanese Maple tree
Like the children we once were.
Sep 2014 · 996
Each Day
Roisin Sullivan Sep 2014
Each day I fall in love with you more.
And like cascading harp strings,
Each moment is more
Than the last.
Sep 2014 · 2.6k
February Night
Roisin Sullivan Sep 2014
I still remember
That February night.
Tears froze before they
Had even reached my eyes.

The wooden dock swayed
Underneath us and yet
I remained steady
Grasping on to your coat.

You showed me the stars
But I only focused
On your eyes, your scent,
And the way you held me.

I still remember
Holding on to your cold
Dog tags, pretending
That I could make you stay.
Sep 2014 · 3.4k
Roisin Sullivan Sep 2014
Pumpkin spice and apples
Tease my nostrils as
The fuzz on my sweatshirt
Tickles my cold skin
Aug 2014 · 346
Sea of Woes
Roisin Sullivan Aug 2014
I sailed across the vast sea
To escape my many woes.
It did not occur to me
That here there would still be foes.
Aug 2014 · 9.1k
Anchors Aweigh
Roisin Sullivan Aug 2014
To distant lands
And open doors,
To bright white sands
On distant shores,
I must away.
I cannot stay.

Set free the sails!
We must make haste
To catch the gales!
No time must waste
To seize the day;
Anchors aweigh!
Jul 2014 · 4.3k
Roisin Sullivan Jul 2014
As the alcohol poured down my throat
Part of me wished it had been acid.
Jul 2014 · 11.7k
Only money
Roisin Sullivan Jul 2014
For the first time in my life
I felt ashamed
Of where I came from,
And where I live.

And the worst part is
I can't tell you why.
You'd laugh it off and say
It's only money.
Jul 2014 · 2.5k
Roisin Sullivan Jul 2014
I feel a tick under my skin
An urge to produce art,
If you can call it that.

I stare at the page and wait
For inspiration to come
And paint it with words.

But everything I try to write
Comes out desperate,
Incoherent, inadequate.

Clutching at smoke,
I can see an image I want to imprint
Hovering just out of reach.

I have no muse to help me
Bring the slippery vision
Into my concentrated focus.

And so I sit here cradling my laptop
As if I could coax
A masterpiece from it.
Jul 2014 · 1.5k
Roisin Sullivan Jul 2014
We struck a match
But before
We could light
With it,
The flame
Danced and swayed
As it burned
Itself away.
Jul 2014 · 403
Smaller Things
Roisin Sullivan Jul 2014
Wind caught her hair
Driving the car full speed ahead
Windows all down
As the landscape twisted and dipped.

The sun blazed hot
Killing flowers, insects, and things
By the roadside.
So much death but no one noticed.

Too occupied
With their individual lives
They soaked up warmth
And paid no mind to smaller things.
Jul 2014 · 2.3k
Roisin Sullivan Jul 2014
You climbed inside my skin
And made me promises
I know you'll truly keep.
Jun 2014 · 481
"Women's Language"
Roisin Sullivan Jun 2014
i think....
     um i think...
i think that women sometimes...
are...You know...trapped...

maybe because of...
         the words we speak,
the way we frame language,

or perhaps, it's our, like,
          little inflections?
or the way we give
You respect.

but just because
          we do this
doesn't mean that we don't
have strong opinions.

it doesn't indicate
          that we're dumb
or don't respect ourselves.
it means "this is the way we talk"

and that's all.
Jun 2014 · 559
Naïve Whispers
Roisin Sullivan Jun 2014
"Together forever."
That's what they naïvely whispered,
As if the universe
Lacked a mind and will of its own.
May 2014 · 627
Roisin Sullivan May 2014
I'm starting to feel
Rushing through
My veins.

My heart beats again
Like drums of war
To yield.

A new sun rises
Bathing me in
Bright light.

An old feeling wakes.
I think it's hope
Coursing to
My heart.

It will be time soon
To take back what
Was once mine;
My life.
May 2014 · 508
I Still Feel You
Roisin Sullivan May 2014
When I go to bed
My body automatically
Makes room to fit yours.

When I hold my breath,
I almost feel your lips press mine
But they're only ghosts.
May 2014 · 20.2k
Roisin Sullivan May 2014
I look in the mirror
And all I see now are
Black holes threatening to
Swallow my red-rimmed eyes.

I never moved with grace
But my body tremors
More than it ever did,
Thinking of unseen fears.

I reach with my fingers
Towards my old reflection
To discover the tips
Are now cracked and bleeding.

Hollow shell, hollow shell.
I am losing myself.
Every step that I take
Destroys my sanity.
May 2014 · 2.3k
Wish you were here
Roisin Sullivan May 2014
Lying on my back
I stretch out my hand,
My fingers creeping
Across my bed, running into fabric.

I grip it tightly
For a brief moment,
Pleased I found your shirt,
Before realizing you are miles away.
May 2014 · 656
Roisin Sullivan May 2014
Today I wanted
         To get high off of you;
         But I guess I wasn't
The drug you needed.
May 2014 · 6.4k
Roisin Sullivan May 2014
Let me fly

                              Quick cut the rope tying us together
                           And I soar on the wind's wings.
                       You can't feel my heaviness
                   Up, higher and higher until
               My sails until I start to lift
           Let the breeze creep under
       On the ground as you go.
    Trailing me behind
Sprint ahead
May 2014 · 390
Roisin Sullivan May 2014
I think I'm getting better
              But then one single
Sends me spiraling back
Apr 2014 · 1.2k
Roisin Sullivan Apr 2014
It starts, at first,
Like a small itch
That's easy to
Simply ignore.

But soon begins
To cause me pain;
Persistent and
Burning my skin.

In the start, the
Sharp, searing fire
Licks my body,

Then quickly spreads
Across my hills
And deep valleys.
Untamed wildfire.

I can't put it out,
With indifference,
Desolate and
Cruelly chilly.

For my passion
Fuels the flames of
Pictured despair
So real to me.
Apr 2014 · 678
Roisin Sullivan Apr 2014
Like the sun bursting from beneath the clouds
Or stars exploding in space, I feel light
And energy from all the particles
Of the universe. The salt of the sea,
Dirt underneath my feet, dust on the wind,
The exhausted breath of my ancestors.
It has all been concentrated in me,
In this moment, so that I can capture
Greatness in the palms of my two small hands.
I can see supernovas in my mind,
Both lovely and melancholy at once.
So I transfer this to ink and paper;
Productivity banishing sadness.
I don't want this feeling to ever end.
Mar 2014 · 403
Spring at Last
Roisin Sullivan Mar 2014
I can hear birds chirping in the trees.
At long last.
The sun is starting to hear my pleas.
Mar 2014 · 443
5 a.m.
Roisin Sullivan Mar 2014
They say that 2 a.m. belongs to those
Who are lonely. The ones trapped in cages
Of sharp glass contained in a swirling void
Composed of pain and bittersweet longing.

2 a.m. belongs to the lonely ones,
But 5 a.m. is for the heartbroken.
It's the time for shattered trust and splintered
Promises; things you didn't want to know.

I say that 5 a.m. belongs to those
Drowning in salty tears of betrayal.
The ones who are lied to and realize that
They belong with the 2 a.m. people.
Mar 2014 · 449
I Almost Forgot
Roisin Sullivan Mar 2014
I almost forgot...
The way your eyes light up when:
You're looking at me,
You find something amusing,
You hug me tightly,
You talk about the future,
You say "I love you."

I almost forgot...
How my heart starts pounding when
I open the door
And see you standing there,
Waiting to hug me,
Handsomely smiling at me,
Saying "I love you."
Mar 2014 · 433
Twilight Realm
Roisin Sullivan Mar 2014
I've been walking, as of late,
In a twilight realm filled with
Dancing fairies and cruel fate.
They all told me it was myth.

But I've found it on my own;
A world that doesn't conform
To a cage made of white bone
And creates a whole new norm.

To you it might seem that I'm
Just wandering aimlessly,
Wasting the passage of time,
I did once, so famously.

However this is not true,
I love spending time under
Skies made of sapphire blue,
Topaz, and other plunder.

In this world I see so much;
I feel so alive, vital.
And here, everything I touch
Livens, becomes bountiful.

I want to stay forever
In this forest of sweet dreams
And lovely hope.  However,
Soon I must awake to screams.
Feb 2014 · 347
Roisin Sullivan Feb 2014
I look inside and I see
Shards of glass buried deep
Slick and sharp, slicing me
When I breathe.

I can deal with pain that's
Forceful, full of feeling
But I don't do well with

And having grown numb to
The razor blades within
The dark depths of my poor
Wounded soul,

I stabbed myself to rid
consuming vacancy.
But I failed to realize
It'd **** me.
Feb 2014 · 281
We are...
Roisin Sullivan Feb 2014
We are the static on TV,
Wind howling through pipes,
Ice on the river,
Thick branches cracking.

We are the cold ocean at night,
Tightness in your chest,
Hail hitting the roof,
The empty silence.

"What happened to the other girl?"
I have become We.
"But where is she now?"
Still here; We are Her.
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