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Do you remember what it was like?

To have each other to depend on?

You have been my everything.

Or at least that's what I thought.

But, hey.. I guess I was wrong.
 Jul 2014 robotical world
Sometimes the silence gets too loud.

I sat in my room
Getting my fingers tangled
In my unwashed brown hair
I examined my legs
As they swung back and forth
On the edge of my bed

Someone called me

I didn't have the energy to answer

I sat there
Hair tangled
Legs examined
Eyes dark
Cellphone ringing

I turned off my phone
And laid on my side

I thought I wanted complete silence
I thought I wanted peace
But hours passed and I missed my phone ringing
I missed hearing voices
And footsteps coming down the hall

I shut everyone out

And the silence drove me crazy.
So that old clock stopped ticking,
one less noise to fill my ears.
As my mind goes to rewind,
pulsing, reeling in the years.
Every second hazy,
lost in time just like the clock,.
Memories lost, through just living,
moving on, amongst the flock....
Thinking of the shepards,
some were good,
and some so bad.
Moments that formed where I am,
all the good and all the bad.
The memories you lock away,
will be the ones that drive you mad.
When that old clock stops ticking.............
there's no time fo feel so sad.
I don't know why you're so painful to me.
Breaking me down,
every time you come and go.
I'm regret to you,
a sore spot on your heart.
You only see your past when you look at me,
A reflection of the destruction your leaving caused.
Ultimate ruin in your wake.
I can never shake these shoes,
Worn Maryjanes of a girl who doesn't know how to stop loving you.
I reach for you and you pull away,
So I stopped wishing,
Learning that it never has been about me.
You called today,
6 years of absence leaving me hollow.
I don't want it,
This time I just can't.
I don't know why you're always so painful to me,
Or how I can be so forgettable.
If I knew that this was how
we were going to end up
I wouldn't have wasted so much
time believing that we were
meant to be in each other's lives.
Instead, you walked out as if
we have never met.
 Jul 2014 robotical world
Throwing words
like tossed pebbles
at his window
in the clouds-

no one home
but the rain
and the wind
that blew once-

once for you-
I threw pebbles
at the clouds
just for you.

r ~ 7/10/14
/ \
All at once

I guess I really am quite good
At multitasking
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