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My pain is not a game
This strength of evil is growing
While I am going beneath the world
While the pressure of pain is in my mind
The texture of blood is my only gain
Death is a constant in my life
**** is my only fight from this pain
I only wanted a savior
From this depression
Life is a burden upon me
Let this be a lesson
  May 2015 Robin Harris
The hints of a razor gleam
creeping up from behind
shivers begin to scream
a thought undefined.

Crystalline destruction manifests
in shards of failed dreams
circulation and cells cease
I am dumber today.

Clogging and fogging the mind
promises cheat their way into lies
when depression becomes a way of life
serenity is found at the end of the line.

Escaping the cavity
in trails of shame
in vigour and madness
incapable of sadness.

Black hole eyes
cannot see the coming despair
the next morning impairs
certainty is a lie.

Senses start to fail
iron will turns frail
the devil’s sugar and salt
must never be taken so lightly.

Subtle and methodical
killing what makes you, you
another round for old time’s sake,
and you’re stuck to it like glue.
Posted on December 16, 2014
  Apr 2015 Robin Harris
I know i got a pretty face but dont get it twisted
I bet you wouldn't even last a day in this ****
Broken smile evil in the eyes roaming thru the streets battling the concrete ..

— The End —