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Apr 2016 · 477
Worn out
Riley Key Cleary Apr 2016
I'm put to the grind So I turn on the radio to silence my mind,
but still I find I'm one of a kind. I cant see my way for i'm ignorant, I'm blind.
And my hypothesis based off of this is I'm *******. I am me and like my behavior it can't be changed.
Jun 2015 · 1.5k
Coffee owns me...
Riley Key Cleary Jun 2015
I wake up confused
rubbing sleep from my eyes.
I jump out of bed
I walk towards my prize

Eye starts twitching
god bless me with haste.
I stumble out of my room
to the kitchen I raced.

Opening the cupboard
I retrieved my mug,
I slam it on the counter
with a resonant thud.

I pour my beloved coffee
now the day has started.
I drink another cup too
and finally I departed.
"Hi Riley!"
"Oh hi coffee."
"Your a slave to me"
"I... I know."

*Sorry for the wrong tense of departed*
Jun 2015 · 816
Disney Syndrome
Riley Key Cleary Jun 2015
We are just sitting and waiting.
Waiting for our lives to begin.
Our standards are too high.
The stories we hear are too grand.
It's some days we see our lives are going no where frighteningly quick.
So we try and ***** out the "normal" like flame on a wick.
We are hungry for adventure and end up starving.
I've asked myself numerous times, "Why not me? Why?"
I see the same look though in everyone else, I see the "why" in their own craving eye.
No one gets a story. No one gets a tale, and the few of us that try only get new tears to collect for lost dreams.
You can thank the silver screen for this stigma folks.
We shoot for the stars and just look like jokes.
So don't keep trying to one-up reality.
We're all here for the long run.
If you keep on trying you'll end up like me.
All I have is a cocktail of confusion and sadness in the cavity where my heart was yet now I place my lack of purpose.
Jun 2015 · 413
Writing Honesty
Riley Key Cleary Jun 2015
When wars break out its best not to pick a side
The thought of not losing, one in which you may confide.

Long lasting battle of the real and fake.
Is a fight that a side I always will take.

Spun lies from words make you a fraud.
Worse though is the trust which upon you trod.

Those who write dishonest create within a fool.
So write with honor, avoid becoming a tool.
Jun 2015 · 360
Care (10w)
Riley Key Cleary Jun 2015
All I do is care,
Life still though is unfair.
Such a simple poem I wouldn't be surprised if its already written.
Jun 2015 · 680
For the League fans
Riley Key Cleary Jun 2015
The room was dark,
and my screen was bright.
Pale hand on my mouse,
oh I was ready to fight.

"Welcome to the rift"
the game had began.
I bought my first items,
and to my lane I ran.

I made some bad calls,
but the team had my back.
The seconds passed us by,
the deaths started to stack.

Forty-two minutes in,
neck and neck we stood.
An ace would end the game,
yet neither of us could.

With dragon on the line,
both teams vied for power.
Fighting ensued and we had won,
for their ADC chose to cower.
So If I had to guess, maybe like .05% of the hellopoetry community even plays league so I dont expect this to go far but it might be a fun read to those of you who understand it.
May 2015 · 456
Organizing Ink
Riley Key Cleary May 2015
Ink spills over the void,
from it springs bliss.
For blank paper may be despair,
and the written may be peace,
but when the words are being formed,
when you are still the creator
assembling ideas from the abyss
when direction is undecided.
That is bliss.
I heard a quote way back in the day that said something along the lines of "Empty paper is hell, a written poem is earth, but when the pen touches paper, that is heaven." I decided to reiterate that idea in this poem.
May 2015 · 917
Beliefs can be a poison.
Riley Key Cleary May 2015
I can put words on paper,
They fit and  they rhyme
But I am not truly a poet
There is no definition
Yet still I am not.
I am not a poet
And I will always fail
For the same simple reason
Beliefs can be a poison.
My first poem without a rhyme or syllable pattern. Sometimes its hard to voice a thought when you give yourself those limits. That said, it totally felt weird.
Dec 2014 · 566
Love and Mistakes
Riley Key Cleary Dec 2014
Often Mistaken are love and lust.
  Bet on a heart, but only to bust.

Love isn't common. In short, a treasure.
  So praise it as more than simply a pleasure.

Lust is for fools and ****** desire.
  A state of dread is all you'll acquire.

Now defined, keep them apart.
  Or find later on a lonesome heart.
I havent written a poem in a while but this was inspired by two arguing acquaintances. One trying to convince the other not to pursue a girl because they had been involved and he truely loves her. As I write this though I almost broke down because in another light it outlines a mistake I made long ago, hence the name "Love and Mistakes" enjoy.
Jul 2014 · 580
Love me
Riley Key Cleary Jul 2014
Purely amazing,
is how you, I define.
I hope so bad
you'll always be mine.
Wrote this as watching my girl sleep, realizing how much I would change if she left me.
Jun 2014 · 365
To be finished later edit 1
Riley Key Cleary Jun 2014
It was today
I saw him preaching
"In all our actions,
we're always teaching."

So I came to him
question burning
"Doesn't that mean
we're always learning?"
May 2014 · 458
Riley Key Cleary May 2014
Look around you,
A world of fraud.
All these lies
Deserve an applaud.

You hide yourselves
With thick fake masks,
Dropping the ensemble
In the safety of your casks.

You plead for reality
Yet do so cloaked.
Open your eyes,
This fate, you've evoked.

To the few
Vulnerable and bare,
I have a favor to ask
If you truly care.

So those of you
Free of feign and guilt
I ask that you tear down
What we have built.
May 2014 · 485
Life's Clockwork
Riley Key Cleary May 2014
The clock is a lie,
Imposter of time.
An original word,
Represented with rhyme.

The clock is insignificant,
Time though, is power.
The space between breaths,
Not the chime of the hour.

Similar in nature,
The difference is clear.
The clock Is a tool,
Yet time we fear.

Trying to stop it,
The clock was made,
But you can't stop reality.
Eventually we all fade.
This has been finished for a while, just getting around to uploading it. Enjoy.
May 2014 · 950
Pools of gray
Riley Key Cleary May 2014
The amount of words
Shared in a stare
Is nearly infinite
Take special care.

Ride the moment
And walk away knowing
Naturally flowing.

I wasn't prepared
When I embraced your eyes
False, deceitful,
Composed of lies.

Everything I knew
Stripped away
With your emotionless stare
Pools of gray.
May 2014 · 490
An Angels Vengeance
Riley Key Cleary May 2014
I exist to assist
To guide to light
To stop the fist,
And expel the fight.

I set trapped free,
Help the troubled cope,
I answer their plea,
Replenish their hope.

Yet my Nature I hide,
As to not be used.
Deception I ride,
For I've been abused.

I have good intent,
Don't test my 'strain
Though from above sent
I will cause pain.
May 2014 · 7.6k
My addiction (it's coffee)
Riley Key Cleary May 2014
To be addicts
we are fated
always thirsty
never sated.

Bliss in a cup
Coffee is required
similar to a drug
It keeps us wired.
Inspired by weight loss coffee I drink and sell. The original poem has two more stanzas but it just sounded like a sales pitch so I decided to stay classy and take the 2 stanzas out.
May 2014 · 508
Writer's Block
Riley Key Cleary May 2014
Writers block
got me here
taunting blank
filled with fear

pen and paper
meet below
purely nonsense
with rhythmic flow

Words assemble
the poem is done
that's right brain
Again I've won.
Just as the first two lines say, this poem was inspired by the lack of.
May 2014 · 343
Tanka #2
Riley Key Cleary May 2014
Written in the sky,
Our love was meant to be,
Gentle caresses,
And nights near the sea,
How lucky a man is me.
May 2014 · 652
Haiku #5
Riley Key Cleary May 2014
leaf spinning free
landing atop the rest
admiring fall
May 2014 · 435
8 rhyme challenge #1
Riley Key Cleary May 2014
The first time I said hi,
this heart grew wings, learned to fly.

Every night asleep, i'd dream of you
My spirited heart in fantasy it flew.

When I found you dead, my sanity ran.
Life will ruin what it can.

Here at the funeral, I feel like a pig.
Dull and emotionless as they dig.
So basically I asked 5 people for 8 words in sets of 2 that rhyme, I made a poem from each of their responses, this is one. The others didn't turn out as good. Its a challenge to build a poem around someone elses rhymes.
Apr 2014 · 1.0k
Riley Key Cleary Apr 2014
We are the meanest, bleakest race.
Hail from the blackest, dryest place.
My second shot at a tyburn, I like that it is a mirror of Angels.
Apr 2014 · 359
Riley Key Cleary Apr 2014
We are the palest, lightest race.
Hail from the whitest, safest place.
My attempt at a tyburn.
Apr 2014 · 485
Riley Key Cleary Apr 2014
Softly we would cuddle
Oh! how I enjoy what we are
My attempt at a cinquain, open to ridicule.
Apr 2014 · 490
I Love You
Riley Key Cleary Apr 2014
I** 've searched all my life
L ooked far and wide
O over and under mountains
V erified by my tries
E ver lasting dedication
Y ou must feel the same
O our feelings were mutual
U nder this love I am tame
Another acrostic poem that I added some rhyme to.
Apr 2014 · 9.3k
Gamers Curse
Riley Key Cleary Apr 2014
A curse of the gamer,
Not  knowing the sun,
Also knowing trinary,
two zero one.

Very anti social,
Give us wide girth,
Lowly right now,
We'll inherit the earth!
This was just a little fun, I know the rhymes are bad and its short and pointless but it made me laugh after I wrote it.
Apr 2014 · 435
Riley Key Cleary Apr 2014
D** on't look back
E ven when they call
N ever remember
I n doubt I stall
E nd the ember
D read the fire
So I experimented a bit, and this is the result of an Acrostic poem with a little bit of a rhyming scheme, despite how simple it looks it was really a pain in the ****.
Apr 2014 · 356
Tanka #1
Riley Key Cleary Apr 2014
My passion and love
keep them close to you dear
I share warily
what I have given to you
please do not leave me
Apr 2014 · 326
Haiku #4
Riley Key Cleary Apr 2014
Winter yet fierce
Shows us our mortality
With rage of gods
Sorry if syllables are off
Apr 2014 · 285
Haiku #3
Riley Key Cleary Apr 2014
Poet alive
words flow through us
how gifted we are
Apr 2014 · 370
Haiku #2
Riley Key Cleary Apr 2014
Dew drop season
Natures Essence is present
beauty around us
Sorry if I miscounted my syllables
Apr 2014 · 284
Haiku #1
Riley Key Cleary Apr 2014
Hopeless as I try
All I want is to help
******* my effort
Sorry if i miscounted syllables.
Apr 2014 · 493
A Girl and a Boy
Riley Key Cleary Apr 2014
Try as he might, she plays him still...
The truth, evident. Denied with a will.

The good men are few, yet he is one.
And he worshiped her as some do the sun.

Dead as a stone, she toys his heart.
He refuses to see her tear him apart.

His passion loud as roaring thunder.
For him I hope they get torn asunder.

A coterie of men, for her, behave.
God forbid she make him a slave.
I know this isn't too profound but I wrote it to make my friend think a little bit about a girl who played his heart strings.
Apr 2014 · 2.1k
Fae and our Folly
Riley Key Cleary Apr 2014
You don't know the fae.
Your tales are lies.
Those with the sight,
have truly cursed eyes.

Ask the wrong question,
they'll take your tongue.
They've shattered love,
and stolen our young.

If you are there,
you best behave.
Demure their fruit,
or be ever a slave.

When being stalked,
Iron is your friend.
So keep it close,
to the possible end.

Decisive by nature,
always be wary,
do not create
A vengeful fairy.

I know the fae.
Take this to heart,
give them a second
and they'll tear you apart.
Riley Key Cleary Apr 2014
I envy the young,
their eternal bliss.
I have ten years
I'd never miss.

It's more than age though,
It's what comes along.
With responsibilities
It's hard to be strong.

Maybe I'm weak,
but I'm not ashamed.
If it's anyone's fault
society's  to be blamed.

Greed drives us,
and the need for wealth.
This is skewed philosophy,
what we need is health.

Money has made equality a lie.
We did it to ourselves,
The question is why?

It's human nature
to be better than others,
yet this doesn't exist
when new from our mothers.

I envy the young.
Future in the making.
The virtues they hold
will keep us from breaking.
Sometimes the youngest people are the best role models.
Apr 2014 · 498
Deaths Good Side
Riley Key Cleary Apr 2014
Life has gone too far.
For her it is rough.
She tied the rope.
She has had enough.

Her family gone.
Subject of alienation.
Life is a radio
done with this station.

She hangs the rope,
sets up the stool.
Misfortune is the entity
which made her a fool.

"It gets better!" they say,
but she remembered with dread.
Standing on the stool,
a tear was shed.

Maybe if he came back...
It's a frivolous hope.
Dismissing the thought,
her neck embraces the rope.

She saw the light,
as she kicked out the chair.
"You're safe now," said Death
"Life never learned to be fair."
This came to me today so I put it together, I'm okay with the result. Many people simply don't understand depression so I thought I would write a piece vaguely brushing up on it.
Apr 2014 · 618
Love's Finest
Riley Key Cleary Apr 2014
Our Love is above
what is commonly said
you call me dishonest
for other men have fled.

You're amazing and cute,
and the truth I say,
You are a beautiful diamond
That the arrogant threw away.

Their choices will haunt
yet their lies aren't true.
Not a single soul
though men were few.

You've a broken heart
and the past won't last.
Remember my love,
I can be your cast.
So this is the first poem I have put on here, I wrote it for my girl. I know its not a masterpiece but thought I'd share.

— The End —