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  Jul 9 Richard Shepherd
Sometimes it’s not possible to tune in.
Sometimes it’s not possible to find meaning.

Sometimes the box doesn’t fit me,
Or I don’t fit the box.

If I could find a box to which I fit
What colour would it be?
In a world
That makes no sense
I feel like a book
I don't understand
Language is foreign
My chapters incoherent
Mixed up
I love my Title
My cover art
Illustrations are grand
But my story
Makes no sense
Is this how my story
Will always seem?
Will I ever learn
How to read your story
If unable to know my own?
Needing to look up my small
To understand your bigger words
I may
I just hope it won't be
My last words
I am not fazed anymore
About opinions
Fired  from beyond
My own dominion
Nor am I ever ready
To protect all my feelings
In such a way
That it distracts me
From focusing on what
I need to do everyday
Also I'd rather not
Be judgmental
So  go ahead
Have your say
You have to live with it anyway!

Lately I have been thinking did I actually spend most of my life to date worrying about things I need not have.  Interesting eh.
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