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Very pretty
Kitty Eskimo
She is my new
Friend and
Favorite cat
She is always
Fun to be
Around and
Always speaks
Her mind but
I have much
Love for the
Very pretty
Eskimo cat
That has stolen
My heart and mind
A very special friend
Spirit horse
Horse of spirit
You are very
Beautiful to
Everyone you
See as your
Spirit shows
It glows bright
Shining through
Everything like
An ethereal glows
That surrounds
You in its warm
Embrace as you
Move in spirit
And move in
From your true
Beauty begins
To expand ever
Greater ever
Brighter for
All eternity
For Charlotte
 Aug 2016 Richard Riddle
Paroled, I step gently into the soft dawnlight,
I feed on the cold that wraps around my ribs,
And the little sleep that clung to my eyes is purified.

I am suddenly stunned motionless by the silence,
The difference is tangible in its almost gentle touch,
The oppression is lifted and my tears are called to reverence.

The morning is upon me, with it is rebirth,
The death of darkness at the holy altar of life,
And the birds, in rustled rhythm,sing to me of my worth.

And the baptism is complete, the water hath crossed my head completely,
I will live now  in the blues of the sky, the greens of the trees and browns of the earth,
I will make my home in the nests and burrows of the world, make my bed on the wind,
I will eat over the fire and bathe in the rain; soles on mud, I will make my way in the unknown,
This is my promise to you, I will reside in the beauty of this realm and seek it willingly.
The darkness will not hold me down

In snow thou comest—
Thou shalt go with the resuming ground,
The sweet derision of the crow,
And Glee’s advancing sound.

In fear thou comest—
Thou shalt go at such a gait of joy
That man anew embark to live
Upon the depth of thee.
Bound to the imagery of an insensible consolation
As a dock waits for a ship never to come
are the senseless chains which bind agony to the soul
Only the Sensational allure of a compass placed within the center, may loosen the mind’s heart from the chains binding it to the dock.
A compass who’s needle always points to the heart.
&  posses the strength needed to stand alone.
(I want you to interpret this in your own way) However, I wrote it meaning letting go of what holds you back in life and going for what you want. Letting go of the imaginary things encumbering your soul. And closing your eyes while only moving forward in life following your heart.
 Aug 2016 Richard Riddle
The mismatch of body and mind
becomes clear in a photograph.

Oh the mind, mind has delusions
impossible the body to deliver.

Staying young is a state of mind
the ability to laugh at oneself the only elixir.
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