he was
special for me
he meant so much
to me
i assumed that
serrated wrists
might be very repugnant
to him
i never let them show
one day,
he did indeed see
his face showed
signs of raw emotion
he did not see
the slashed wrists
or the drawn lines
he saw deeper
he saw the intentions
behind those straight lines
(maybe they were jagged)
and the kindness
that reeked of his heart
ached to help
or maybe it was pity at the time.
believe in yourself is
what he said
but his words seemed
like a deep dead end
he said
that those marks
did not define i was
or who i am today
it was
a mark of the past
a memory aching to be forgotten
battle scars.
he urged
me to let go
but that doesn't seem easy as it sounds
later he left
and the story remains
just another boy
i had loved and lost
pain still lives
just as it once did
except it had all just
been on my mind
if you don't understand this poem: it is not about self harm on the body but on the mind and courage... thanks for reading.. any suggestions PLEASE COMMENT OR SEND A MESSAGE! thank you :)