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renseksderf Oct 2023
from misty stupor

faceless sentinels are roused

absinthian rev’ries
renseksderf Jun 2022

In this lifetime of striving
childhood's tentative bumbling,
youth's arrogant impertinence,
middle-aged regimented conceit,
in old age, encrusted intolerance;
when will we likely ever win?

renseksderf Jan 2024
a lonely light
shall be the only
one to shine upon
a poorly lit spot
until its image
reveals a well
hidden spark
renseksderf Dec 2022
I may not be

your cup of tea

but I am your

bottle of *** --

most definitely...

so ease up that grip:

Stop strangling my neck.

Let My liquid conflagration

scorch your lying condescension

again and again and again.... without fail.

If you but remember to be true

to what lurks deep within you

I will assail your doubts

And numb their fight,

Send insanity to flight.

No, I am not your cup of tea!

And more's the better for me!
to be taken with a grain of salt, although it isn't tequila..., no slice of lemon required...
renseksderf Jun 2022
some time, somewhere out there

someone had said
that one part of poetry
is a reservoir that holds
all the sadness of this world

What then does this say of a poet?

it is not seen how
that portion poets bear
bare on virginal leaves
all their flight and fears

are tears morphed in pressed ink
renseksderf Oct 2024
In Kilmarnock's print, a treasure lies,
A first edition, where history sighs,
From eighteen eighty-six, its verses flow,
Robert Burns’ heart, in dialect aglow.

Poems Chiefly In The Scottish Dialect,
Whispers of love, and nature’s effect,
Expected to fetch a princely sum,
Fifty to sixty thousand—oh, how it’ll hum!

Once just six hundred, a modest start,
Three shillings it cost, a work of pure art,
Yet within a month, the copies all gone,
Burns' voice, like a lark, sung sweet at dawn.

“To A Mouse” and “The Twa Dogs” share,
Stories of life, in the Scottish air,
At twenty-seven, with passion he wrote,
A legacy penned in each heartfelt note.

Now just eighty-eight copies remain,
A glimpse of the past, a poet’s refrain,
As the auction approaches, the whispers grow loud,
For the magic of Burns, we all stand so proud.
renseksderf Nov 2024
flush that goo away and open the windows wide,
allow those smells no place to hide!
renseksderf Oct 2024
Of the many things
that have been a regret
"putting down the pen"
has been most rude.
renseksderf Dec 2024
In the politics of dancing,
Where hearts move to the beat,
The mind hesitates, second-guessing,
While the heart is quick on its feet.
renseksderf Dec 2024
Let us rise with the dawn,  
Embrace this new day’s promise.  
Tomorrow’s whispers guide us;
Innocence of past years fuels our steps
Together find peace in the present’s embrace.
renseksderf Jan 2023
in the finality of this hour
as all of this shall disappear
while these broken words become clear
our dearest thoughts bloom like a flower
having been watered by many a tear
fear is but momentary, please don’t cower
spare a thought, plant seeds of good cheer
peer at what still may be for us here
so through ensuing years our hearts steer
as the first streaks of the year tendril through our awareness...
renseksderf Nov 2023
Right in front of the koban
Star-B’s cramp and crammed
Not for the presently starving
Perhaps not or the Summer
With its heat reflecting tiles
Where else is boxed contentment?
But where it’s found in a moment.
*koban = police box/kiosk/stall
Star-B’s = Starbucks Café
box = bento = compartmentalisation
renseksderf May 2022
With disdain they looked upon one Billy McGee
a boy that promised never to be;
a rep that’s scarred and scratched,
for sure his name’s mismatched
as darker skin ya’ever did see
on blackish hair with reddish flecks of Billy McGee.

A red haired aboriginal boy
matches were only a toy
and he was caught red handed
and always branded
the troublesome fire starter.
Poor boy had no farda
he was stolen in a generation;
trouble, his one destination
for any of his wild-sown seed.
Never had a chance, Billy McGee.
An older poem which also featured in an older blog about an older time. It might be enjoyable to some. So it's here again, given a fresh breath to reveal another poetic side. Enjoy!
renseksderf Jan 2023
droplets of honey--
your words varnish
my waking mind,
coaxing me to
leave all, behind

gone, but ever remaining
never learning
held, ever close but
never belonging
cradled light - metaphed demise

on a spring morning
melting, paraffin wax;
now a shadow of a
hand, held tight
in the deep of night
renseksderf Mar 1
And then there is ‘bear pottery’
farming salmon adjacent to a bear sanctuary:

while waiting for spawning season
as the ice begins to melt,
those that have unhibernated
are whiling the time away
at the potter’s wheel….
in response to Davidgeo’s “beer poetry” on another online poetry site…
renseksderf Sep 2022
behind each poem
behind each rhyme
is more than a story
more than a parody

under each layer of verse
there is a beating heart
under each line we find
a poet, a person, a mind

behind each poem
past each non-rhyme
in a varied place and clime
there a person wrote in time
renseksderf Oct 2024
Yesterday’s spoken word

Today’s unvoiced silence

Tomorrow’s welcomed regret

press Play and tap Mute

Flickering screen brings slumber.
npc: non-playing character
renseksderf Oct 2024
being an unlit candle
an unlit match stick
will surely not suffice
neither the twain shall meet
unless you strike one
the other remains and
unless the lit shall kiss it
the other still abides
renseksderf Jan 4
You are never far away from my thoughts or heart's embrace,
we are tethered between life states and alternate existences . . .
Believe me.
renseksderf Oct 2015

reflective consi-
I be•
to reactivate
my account○
thank you kindly
you are much
renseksderf Jan 15
bailing soat happily out to sea
glailing foat eating up my tea
So wherever it is that I may be
a goating boat is a sight to see!
been living with this for years, do it with numbers as well, even if my clerical numeracy accuracy-efficiency is quite high. It all goes back to homework when I stammered a lot & couldn't get it right the tirst fime;nowadays I tend to lol it off
renseksderf Nov 2024
running faster than
you can flutter a lash
rushing swifter than
we can sniff a flower
rippling quieter than
they can queue on Black
published elsewhere with the title "spur on"
renseksderf Sep 2024
fictionalising that pain
only in writer’s quill remain
inkwell daily welling over
one that never need run dry
on pristine sheets shall ever cry
there a field blanketed in clover
under pregnant sky contain
descends yon seasonal rain
there be legal entities by fiction of law and there too literary entities by fiction of pen
renseksderf May 2022
It might the flying Dutchman be
Or the fame of those fishermen three
How it, planks of our own fashioning, walk we!
renseksderf Oct 2023
Entering through resplendent gates,
to where countless dead seek final rest,
and those alive muse the touch of soil:

Where commemorating stones are monumental;
a reminder to all creatures that waste away
in vessels that perish beneath a hundred years.

Where manicured gardens court Repose
whose silence disturbed by a lazy breeze
interrupts one's meditation.
throwback Ocdtober
renseksderf May 2022
Child of the outside
on the inside
one foot out
one foot in
never belonging
never apart

Child of the inside
on the outside
one foot in
one foot out
never apart
never belonging

Child of both sides
on neither side
both feet out
both feet in
never apart
never a part

Heart & soul divided
Mind & hands confused
Ears & nose demanding
Eyes & tongue confiding
Child of both
Child of none

an older piece retrieved from the 'attic'

an older piece retrieved from the 'attic'
published previously on other sites as "One Child"
renseksderf Nov 2024
As pumpkins rolled off from the scene,  
And Diwali lights snuffed out clean,  
Christmas came early,  
In a fashion so gnarly,  
Don't blame me, 'twasn't I that set up the tree!
renseksderf Oct 2024
once nimble fingers
grasp at lithe reeds
as they slip and dance
in a breeze’s lullaby
ever present companions
as days turn into nights
renseksderf Jun 2022
tragic queen Elyssa, foundress
of Carthage. Her brother, Pygmalion
slew her husband, the chief priest
Acharbas and in the uproar fled
with Tyrian nobles, bearing gold 
on a fleet of Phoenician ships.

Then on Mauritanian coastline
she bought some land to build 
a new city-state, from the vantage
of Byrsa on which her citadel stands
'circumfenced' by strips of ox-hide
strung along the perimeter of the hill

The Berber chieftain rather stingily
offered as much land as an ox-hide
could cover and later on sought her 
hand in marriage as the city grew
in wealth and regional importance
but she threw herself into flames

of a priestly funeral pyre to Tanit,
in self-immolation for the dead
god of vegetation, Adonis-Eshmun;
Dido, as she was known, hence was
elevated to goddess and patroness
of that great Punic realm of Carthage
renseksderf Jun 2022
as soon as it's spoken
as soon as it's heard
words   e v a  p  o  r   a   t   e
words depreciate
so we try to keep them frozen
and chisel them onto poems
with a hope, come melt-time
a fossilised facsimile resides
How poetry can be seen as mining for gems, cutting, polishing, presenting... perhaps develops a good attitude toward the 'fashioning' of poems.
renseksderf Dec 2024
My experience with silver and gold,
Just a sliver, so cold.
Der Winter ist kalt,
Where the wealth of winter glows,
A glimmer of frost,

In a landscape of frozen dreams:

Treasures sparkle under the frost,
Promises turn to ice,
In the heart of cold wealth,
Leaving a touchless beauty,
An allure that chills to the core.
renseksderf Mar 2023
flaw bearing retinue
fore bearing revenue
insolent foreboding

load-bearing attitude
unyielding fortitude
latitudinal aspirations

Going on in unblemished grace
Onward with a freshness true
Its fullness eternally perfected
Newness spouting varied hues
Growing all the while giving chase
renseksderf Nov 2024
flaw-bearing retinue
fore-bearing revenue
insolent foreboding

load-bearing attitude
unyielding fortitude
latitudinal aspirations

Going on in unblemished grace
Onward with a freshness true
Its fullness eternally perfected
Newness spouting varied hues
Growing, all the while, giving chase
renseksderf Nov 2024
shadowy sheets cover,
dark shining lips purse;
pointy ears ***** skyward
as corn stalks pondered
chanting scarecrows curse
in a sea of belly-up bream
renseksderf Nov 2024
Quietly blooms, where shadows softly play,
Whispers of secrets in petals lay,
Emerald leaves rustle and sway,
Mystic scents drift in the breeze,
Dew-kissed dreams gently tease,
Moonlit moments cease,
Hearts find ease,
Pure peace,
Next page