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 Sep 2014 kenz
Tom Leveille
she was leaving
and got the gumption
to see me before she did
so we went to dinner
she sat, crumpled
at the edge of the booth
playing with her silverware
hands sweating
our knees barely touching
underneath the table
they shook like the day we met
they shook like floodgates
when the clouds get upset
her hair was drawn back
into an apology
and she didn't answer
when the waiter asked for drinks
she pans, tilts
looking for the restroom
but doesn't get up
covers her mouth
to hide her furled chin
i cut her a piece of bread
not sparingly
i didn't want to ruin the symbolism
of cutting a gangrenous thing
from ones self
she half wept out "tell me a joke"
i thought to say "look at us."
that's it. that's the joke.
the premise & the punch line
sharing some silence
here in this ominous moment
so thick with goodbye
you could touch it
i said "when they asked what the name was for the wait, i should've said "awkward, party of 2"
but that's not the joke
"knock knock"
she whispered "who's there?"
i sat for a moment and said
"so we've come full circle.. we're even in the same seats, from all those months ago"
her lips quivered
and she hid her mouth
"i just wanted to hear a joke"
she said
i came back with
*"if i fell for you in a quiet restaurant & no one was around to hear it, does the laughter of children i drempt we'd have make a sound?"
 Sep 2014 kenz
Mona Lisa
 Sep 2014 kenz
sadness is a poem on its own.
Inspired by a song and a painting with a smile that I see in the mirror sometimes
 Sep 2014 kenz
Jessica Patton
a bowl of tea, a rustle of paper.
the insect’s wings sing
and flutter; a spring uncoiled
buzzing through white heat,
a swipe of candleblack, stroked
across the white silence,
like snowflakes on jet black.
obscured by clouds of ink
in clear cold water, the bottom
dropping out of dreams,
her mirror sees only his reflection,
mocking at midnight.
moonlight reaches her face,
pale as silver tears.
fear, seduction, grief,
a spiral drawn in the sand
turning inward.
silent cries of ending
call in the time under black
silk, clouding her sleep.
no joy or pain now,
only resting in softer arms.
 Sep 2014 kenz
Making fire
 Sep 2014 kenz
carved on walls
where fires burned
-indelibly etched-
the hunt and dance
our story

flint to moss
sparks ancient art-
tinder for desire

tendered flame
has seen us
***** unclothed-
an ivory venus
burned into my bones-

making fire

r ~ 9/3/14
  |     /)/)/) Venus vom Hohlen Fels
/ \
 Sep 2014 kenz
 Sep 2014 kenz
I find solace in the clouds
-she brings rain
to cool my brow

tranquil in my fever-
I close my eyes
and leave here

solace in tranquility.

r ~ 9/4/14
For Joe Cole's challenge.
 Sep 2014 kenz
Bruised Orange
Bone shards of our imaginary life
break loose from time to time.
Shredding their way
through my bloodstream,
they rip and tear at the fabric of my carefully pieced together reality.

I loved a quieter version of you.
A place where broken hearts held true.
And hands were firm, but nice, though strong.
A place where voices could belong.

I loved you in a fairy tale, a place where laughter was strong and hale.  I loved you in a tiny place, where no one knew your splintered face.

I loved you once, in a country song,
I loved you, loved you, till the dawn,
When truth erupted from each pore.
Your fists broke through the bathroom door.

How many moments locked in time,
Pictures of,
"I am yours," and,
"You are mine."
A fairytale written inside my head.
Our love affair was always dead.

And if I could only separate
The you I loved
From the you I hate,
Would it smooth those shards
Of broken bone
Of twenty years together,
But always alone?

*I loved the quieter version of you.
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