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 Aug 2013 Relenymous
Kristo Frost
a large room,

no, a really,


large room,

with a typewriter

in the center


the words

free yourself

are already spoken,

and underlined,

in the center

of the page


there is no blinking cursor,

no glowing white field


an iron sight

holds the paper down

so you can

torture or nurture

or shun or ****** it

with both

precision and accuracy


careful though,

you can drift

beyond the walls of your


big room

in the length of a page
 Aug 2013 Relenymous
 Aug 2013 Relenymous
What changed?
          is it optimism
          or a new bed of lies

          forgiven scars
          or prophecies

What's choices without emotions
Why is that wrong
 Aug 2013 Relenymous
Divine Minds Transcend

There is so much more than what we see
what we fear and choose to perceive
what we're told we must believe
a place that's hard to conceive
a portal to a world beyond belief
Since birth, it waits for you and me
a world beyond a lucid dream
I can tell you where this portal leads
it leads to a cure for humanity
So step onto the magic train
and learn to accept your certain death
For life is nothing more
then fabricated reality

Fate, it seems is not without a sense of irony

I finally broke free of the evil me
it wasn't church that set me free
it wasn't drugs from psychiatry
it wasn't money that made me see
I had to die from this reality
and accept my certain death

It's your turn to consider the facts
now breathe a bit and try to relax
Just one second as I remove the mask
then a crack like a whip and a panic attack
No slack as you slip into a static bath
your vertebrae split you are severed in half
You blast away and never look back
the math adds up so you have to adapt
Half of you is lost and your soul is cracked
the other half swirls in the endless black
As you float down an uncharted path
you finally breakthrough at last

All you thought you knew from life is shattered
as you step into the looking glass
© JDMaraccini 2013
 Aug 2013 Relenymous
andrea hundt
"Pull me out, pull me OUT!"
You're screaming to be rescued.

"I'm drowning! Pull me OUT!".

You're screaming to be rescued,
But I notice you aren't swimming.
You're hardly treading water,
Barely even kicking.

I reach for your steady hands,
But you tremble when I'm close.
I'm screaming "I don't understand!"
As you breathe in through your nose.

"Pull me out, pull me OUT!"
But I can hear you giving in.
you can't help someone who doesn't want to be saved
 Aug 2013 Relenymous
Victoria S
Something about you, a quality unknown to even me,
Causes my heart to leap unannouced from my chest to my sleeve
And swiftly wipes my feet out from under me.

I am falling; Uncontrollably falling.
 Aug 2013 Relenymous
The Whisper
Apathy. Cynicism. Envy. Shame.
Emotions that flood my thoughts day to day.
This darkness, This plague; It has hollowed my heart.
It has shattered my spirit and all feeling is lost.
This ghost has a name.


Regret is the weight of the burden I bear.
It's all that I've lost when I said, "I don't care."
It's the lies that I forced myself to believe.
Opportunities I've lost in the name of ignorance.

I no longer remember who I see in the mirror.
A fellow, that I, have never seen before.
Is it him? Is it me? Was I blind, now I see?
The truth can be painful, but I must believe.
 May 2013 Relenymous
Traci Eklund
I see myself counting the days
Although i dont know when ill return
These endless days turn into endless nights
Sunsets, sunrise
Soil stains and receeds in the cracks of my palm
Sunkissed cheeks,
Cigar burning my chapped lips
I came here by choice
I came here by chance
No one to catch me as I stumble
As I struggle to catch a grip
No one to carry the weight...
But my bones

Dehydrated veins
Compromised soul
A determination to conquor
Not the land but the person within

Im no hopeless wanderer
Just a lonesome forester
 May 2013 Relenymous
The Whisper
The pride to my shame.
The fuel of my flame.
If life is a target,
Then you are my aim.
The calm to my storm.
The cool to my warm.
Together we fight,
Against all the norm.

You stand beside me,
And you help me see,
The infinite choices,
Of what I could be.
I'll stand beside you,
Happy or blue.
A living reminder,
Of all that is true.

You see on my face,
The pain and disgrace.
The remnants of guilt,
That I tried to erase.
In you, I confide.
All ******* aside.
When I am with you,
There's nothing to hide.

I see in your eyes,
Beneath the disguise,
The purest of hearts,
In fear of demise.
There's nothing to fear.
Though it isn't always clear,
Should you stray from your path,
I will always be near.

Our friendship is fate.
From the way that we prate,
I can tell our connection,
Will never abate.
Our lives, they conflate.
Our wisdoms equate.
Imagine the wonders,
That we can create.

The void has been filled.
This friendship, we build.
We look to the future;
The both of us thrilled.
So here I will stand,
In reach of your hand.
The greatest of friends,
In all of the land.
To my dearest friend, Brianna. (Yes, she's a girl.) May this poem calm your fears and fill your heart with happiness, as you have done for me.
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