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What once was a smile
Has faded to pain
With wrinkles and lines
And clouds filled with rain

Wishing our lives
had been so much more
Than pain and regret
And walking the floor

Now loneliness fills
every room and hall
With echoes of goodbyes
that shadow the walls

Not looking back
To what once was okay
Now with a focus
Of turning away

We dare not speak
Lest it should finally end
Trying to salvage
What might have been
The night fills the air like a dark summer's cloud
Riding on billows of wind
Screams of anger spoken so loud
That can't be returned again

Hearts break in two like pieces of glass
Shattered and easily torn
With edges that cut with precision and crass
Bleeding and seething in mourn

Walking away you left me to bleed
With tears falling down like rain
Crushing my soul and not taking heed
Of my gripping sorrow and pain
 May 2013 Relenymous
David Nelson
Sands of Time

these grains of sand passing by I find
are like the memories of lives gone past
and as these sands of time flow through my mind
I wonder when I will find the key at last

living in caves searching the heavens
fishing in streams and hunting my meals
and each morning as the sun star leavens
my mind turns like stone age wheels

a million years have come and gone
I suppose a million more will pass on by
the age of man has hardly dawn
I look up and wonder why

why am I here just what is my purpose
sometimes I feel this is such a cruel game
in this ring of a crazy circus
am I a fool should I feel some shame

some say just keeping faith is all you need
I  think that's a hopeful guess
you cannot know from where came the seed
it is impossible to say truly yes

many before me and yet more will come
to trudge through the desert of life
the sands of time shifting beat like a drum
and we dance on to music from the fife

I can only hope that when I have gone
no one will shake their heads and say
he followed in line just like a pawn
retracing steps of another day

once again I look to the sky
ever searching for inspiration divine
feeling tears fall from my eye
tears of all mankind not just mine  

Gomer LePoet...
when peering into the universe I feel even smaller than a grain of sand
 May 2013 Relenymous
David Nelson
Goldilocks Paradigm

this soup is too hot this soup is too cold
this chair is too big this chair is too small
this bed is too soft this bed is too hard
this world is just right at least for most of us all

scientists say that we are lucky to be alive
that the forces of nature balanced just right
at least in this universe we manage to survive
a perfect balance of day and night

if the gravitational forces were stronger or more weak
if the temperatures were much hotter or cold
if the air was too thin or thick at its peak
all these essentials more valuable than gold

in the multi-universe theory this one is just right
blending all the cosmic ingredients just so to fit
for life as we know it with our imperfect sight
  these 3 fuzzy bears packed neatly in a kit

I try telling you stories of science that make sense
sometimes hard finding words meaningful that rhyme
words not about love or hate or feelings so tense
that fit nicely in the Goldilocks Paradigm    
Gomer LePoet ...
this universe seems to be just right
 May 2013 Relenymous
Anastasia M
Our paths drift,
We fall out,
You don't follow me anymore;
Because you want to live here,
And I want to reside there.

You prefer that story,
Which inevitably contradicts mine.
As I melt into anger,
You shine from excreted ember's hue.

You embrace the aches as I push them away,
You ride as I resist;
That is our fatal destination.
 May 2013 Relenymous
Anastasia M
The situation proved unsatisfactory.
The moment I opened my mouth,
I knew I couldn't give her what she wanted.
The silence sought began to seep from my fingers,
And the glow of her face began to fade.

She's tired.
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