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 Aug 2015 Rania
Demon of Love
Take one look at me
What do you see
What do you feel
Do you know me
Are you a stranger
Are you my family
Are you my friend
It doesn't matter
non of it
Stay away from me
You don't need me
So stay away
Cause there's something I need
The look in your eyes when you see me
And all you see is your death
I've seen my death inches away from me
So many times
It's strange
Each time all i could think of was it's about time
Every day I lived
Was another day I was haunted
The screams in my head
The voices
The memories of all those who have seen me
The real me
Being able to hear the screams
The voices begging for mercy
Begging for an end to the pain
How torturing those days were
God I loved those voices
The fact that they were only voices of the past and not the present
Such a tease
Still not done
 Aug 2015 Rania
Shannon Denis
 Aug 2015 Rania
Shannon Denis
Evil liquid loures you in,
Keeping you masked from life's reality.
I try to speak up but all you got to say is to grow up
****, can't you see there is more than meets the eye?
Can't you see life has more to offer than a ******* bottle?
Guess not, of course not, for if feelings are felt then your world goes to Hell.
God forbid too that you discipline your son, for he is the "perfect one."
As for the angel with the broken wings,she doesn't mean a thing.
For her perfections shine to your imperfections, causing jealousy to be apparent and bright.
Though that broken angel will shine bright one day, and love will be on it's way, mending the evils that brought her down and causing her strength to be in sight and proud
 Aug 2015 Rania
Liam C Calhoun
My aunt’s in the garden,
     Growing gold.
My uncle’s in his new shirt,
     Growing mold.
My cuz’s in Af-ghan-i-stan,
     Growing cold.
I’m swimming in wine,
     Growing old.

This piece should make sense,
     But it don’t.
This piece should tell tales,
     Still, it won’t.
I’m home decades later,
     Or so I wrote.
My daddy’s days dead
     And so I’ll tote.
"Asylum Harbor" - A harbor used to provide shelter from a storm. Much obliged, Aunt "Patty."
 Aug 2015 Rania
Brad The Abstract
I hope this lust won't plateau, actually
Your endless love is the highest form of flattery
Your anatomy is a gallery, a masterpiece
When you smile my lips shake, knees shattering

— The End —