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 Aug 2014 Rada
Alyssa Rose Evans
We thought we’d declared it dead
The words we bury in the soil of time
Eroded by broken silences
In the most unexpected of times

The words that stung my tongue seem to flow numbly
Desensitized and dehumanized,
We wrap ourselves within a world of plastic
Where the external disturbances are kept at bay
Where no one may tap on the window and see within the soul

If we seethe in the residue of our animosity
We’re as good as snarling animals quarreling for the final prize
Before we draw the line between harm and benefit
We must draw the line between man and beast
 Aug 2014 Rada
Alyssa Rose Evans
There must be a word
for the bleak realization
of the systematic inhumanity
on which our world operates—
which carries the
self-directed disgust
of how desensitized we’ve
been— up until the moment
the thought shakes us
that our ending point
is a corpse—
like a child distraught to realize
his body is a separate entity
than the womb who
created him,
How he curses an indifferent god
who has left him naked,
How as a race we suffer
by the cruelty of a creator
to give us the concept
of eternity, yet
the tantalizing confines
of mortality.
 Aug 2014 Rada
Roberta Day
from feeling
peeling away my exoskeleton
of mossy vehemence

from festering
pestering bacteria
leeching my energy
depleting my senses

towards romance
no chance
for me
in a swamp
instead of grasping
for relief

for allowing
natural instincts
internally invaded
by poisonous neglect
by choking on
your spoken words
I kept
 Aug 2014 Rada
Tommy Johnson
I'm a human of the contemporary times
A millennial, part of Generation Y
A digital native in shrink wrap
An open minded, wide eyed, big mouthed wind tunnel

A genetic, mathematical, anatomic error
I'm souped up and decked out
I'm high maintenance with low standards
My humor is low brow, my expectations are nonexistent
I see the negatives as positive
I see the positives as negative
I think in subjective and objectives
I'm on the web
But off the grid

My pockets full
But my wallets empty

I'm over educated
But underemployed
I'm overworked
But under paid

I'm a bisexual, bipolar by product of society
I'm a hardworking, dedicated procrastinator
I'm an inarticulate fat head who isn't afraid to speak his mind
I'm a cold hearted hothead
I can hear, some times I don't listen
I'm clean and polished to get my hands *****
I work my fingers to the bone
Then cross them in hope of better tomorrow
And knock on wood until my knuckles bleed

You can check my Facebook profile
Read my Tweets
Scroll through my Instagram
Send me a Snapchat
And you can kiss my ***
I'm non-toxic
I'm irreplaceable
I'm a rarity
I'm an oddity
I'm offbeat
Off centered
Off color
Off kilter
Out of tune
Out of my mind
And universally unacceptable

I'm wasting time
And taking up space
But I'm living it up
I won't die down
I'm two steps ahead
I'm left behind
Coasting on thin ice
Walking the edge
Pushing the limit
And taking a nap
I'm greedy
I'm *****
I'm lazy
I'm angry
I'm cocky
I'm envious
And I'm
Not sorry

I like laying low
I love being high
I don't want to be a stick in the mud so I get ******
I'm a street smart *******
I'm book smart dumb ****
I'm an eloquent gutter mouth
I speak in
****** vernacular
Passionate profanity
Cynical sarcasm
And choleric curses
I have criminal ties
And it suites me
I'm a ball hogging, showboating team player
I'm a devoted alcoholic
I'm a thrifty shopaholic
I'm in school
But out to lunch

I've got friends
I've got enemies
I've got my family
And I've got problems
I hear voices in my head
I see things that aren't there
I over look
Over analyze
And over think
I under cook
Under appreciate
And underestimate

I use my WiFi to listen to LoFi
I watch low quality television in Hi Def
I'm a bombastic contentious objector
Taken aback but forwardly thinking
In your face
Out of stock
I get down
And get it up
I'm a low key middle man
But lovable
A grounded skyrocket
An everlasting
Know nothing
Know it all
I'm a egg-headed basket case
I'm a real heel
A loafer
I got the boot
Because he couldn't afford to live in a shoe
Or the box it came in
I'm broke
I'm busted
But I loved
I care
I help
I laugh
I try
I cry

I'm on the short bus for the long haul
I have no money but I always got my two cents
I'm good with secrets
I'm bad with numbers
And good with money
I'm bad with people
But yet they love me
I'm unbiased
And impatient
I'm abstract
I'm avant garde
I like violent ***
With volatile love
I like pornographic snapshots
******* ******* motion pictures
Live action lust
But nothing beats my meat like the real thing

I shop at second rate super markets
First rate second hand stores
I'm on cruise control in the fast lane
I'm double parked
I've been traumatized
And I've had my toes stepped on

I was a premeditated mistake
A failed abhorrent abortion
And always medicated
I have a an attention span an inch wide
But, I'm real
I'm honest
I'm kind
I go hard
But  take it easy
I'm always slick
But never ******

Wheeling and dealing
Clipping and stealing
Lending and giving
Living and breathing

I think this one's a keeper
You've all dug me a little deeper
Hope you enjoyed my veracity
Because this poem is completely me
 Aug 2014 Rada
 Aug 2014 Rada
happiness is different for everyone

when two lovers glittering irises have a rendezvous
after being a part for too long

when fingertips paint masterpieces on hypersensitive,
empty rib cages that forgot what it was like
for touch to make love with skin

when the sweltering, sultry coffee cools and
you feel more alive when you greet the bottom
of the porcelain mug with your satisfaction

when favorite seasons embrace the earth
{snow sleeps on eyelashes}
{the rain wakes us, reminds us to dance underneath it and laugh}
{sunshine warms us and summons freckles to decorate our shells}
{autumn addresses us to appreciate beauty and cycles}

lighting scented candles that your resting loved one always adored

when small children receive the attention from too busy parents
that are missing essential moments in their lives

purchasing things you don't need just to forget that you aren't
getting what you need that can't be bought

when the struggling find the remedy and relief
that they gave up hoping for and deciding:
"maybe i'll live a  little longer"
"love a little harder"
"hold on a little tighter"

maybe the toxicity at the end of a *****, ***, or whiskey bottle
where slurred answers are foggy and misleading

or perhaps quickly swallowing drugs without anyone seeing
so you can escape the demons that fight in your head
and prevent you sleeping when dusk surrounds you by
hiding beneath your bed

when the soldier saves their friend from the grasps
of death and prays to a god that they don't believe in

maybe happiness is the alleviation of hardship
or the state of mind that varies
whatever it is, cherish it and remember:

happiness is different for everyone
 Aug 2014 Rada
Nathalie Anna
Spring fever hits harder than bricks fashioned from commitment. Modern medicine might only mask me but disguise also fights the monster called allergies
When the bottle is half empty of pills
When my psyche is half full of fractured theory
I’m evened out
Swallowing Zyrtec just to cover pure symptoms helps me clear chaos clogging vacant voids.
Hiding what is really there, like the ragweed that has me all destroyed
All while covering up the fact that I don’t even like
And spending every waking moment trying to convince myself I have to.
I’m prone to be known as hypersensitive to my surroundings, tearing up and twisting tissues.
My brain is battered like a broken fish tanks clattered over my head.
So when you speak, words caress my cochlea but don’t make it past the membrane
You think flirting with nature is only temporary
I’m deviant in the fact that I’m simply just a minority
I get so nervous that sometimes I can’t breathe
Attempting to break through fog façades provided by pollen pestering septum cavities
So I’m going to put in time to rhyme and scatter thoughts like daisys carelessly
Because I am careless about what exactly us is.
Me, with my moments you'll never intake.
Sorry you mistook my misadventures as mistakes
What makes you think I'd ever tell you anything
I don't have the ability to speak
You, with your  headaches and vapid complaints
You’re a joke man
Late you are in the car when you pick me up
Thanks for the scarf to satisfy this sickness
I wear it. It gets heavier and heavier
You’re satisfied, I’m strangled
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