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 Apr 2016 Rachael Taylor
 Apr 2016 Rachael Taylor
I fall
In the water lily pond
As it stares back
From my wall.
one two three
a loop in my head
i count my steps
to the grave

one two three
breaths in a row
atlas under a globe of grief

one two three
the mortician mutters
hitting the lever
a box in descent

one two three
trail off
weaving through the stones

matriarch in shambles
a perfect pietá
lingering by the hollow

a couple broken
by the greatest door

wails punctuate her sentence
goodbye bill
I’ll always love you
a play on a common abbreviation of 'i love you,' and my anxious tic of counting
a sixty year marriage ended by leukemia
and the strongest woman i've ever met in shambles
You called me sugar
but sweetened your tea with **honey
A metaphor about someone cheating on his wife.
 Apr 2016 Rachael Taylor
mike dm
her blooming figure gyrating
arcing, tilting, wilting above;
my tasting her secreting prose,
licking all the lines

that come
and go

like fallen petals hugging themselves
in moonglow spell,
lit with an aftercoil meld, blueblack waters stilled
 Apr 2016 Rachael Taylor
the world is your oyster
take the pearl
and I’ll just lie here in the sand
an empty shell
once again

— The End —