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I made love
to an email,
inside my
sugar shop.
I guess
our blood is
I don't feel
until you're

You say the things
I moan,
and I wear the things
you swear,
like, "I'd still see you,
even if you were
to disappear."

You kiss me before
I tell you that you're
reassuring me
that you're ****** up,
and to just push
to watch you
fall apart.

We shake
because it's what
we forgive the most.
So, let's bite our tongues
and float north.
 Feb 2015 Rachael Judd
 Feb 2015 Rachael Judd
clear thumbtacks hold the
few blades of grass
collected from the meadows
of the Magnificent Days.
no baby blanket can wrap up
these times;
no perfume from the 80's
mask such greatness.
driving home at 8:56
in february feels like four-thirteen a.m.
while it's raining
(how strange)
we don't feel like talking,
we don't feel like junk food
but scratchy blankets to tuck
in the snow-less mountains
this time of year.
something has to cover them,
because our society doesn't approve
of ******
or happiness, really
for our smoke detectors
are dead and the mirrors are stained
the rugs are frayed
and our poetry *****.
our candles smell like grandmothers
but that future for us isn't so
far away.
we focus on the water that will burst
past the controlled walls
in a few months;
that's so close (too close) to tell
because we are told
we won't end up being what we thought
we'd wanted at sixteen.
our christmas lights are getting dull
and we don't strive to make people jealous
we just sulk on the loss
of the Magnificent Days,
bright and kind.
is this what it feels like to write a ****** poem in a few minutes
 Feb 2015 Rachael Judd
The wind howls.
The wind outlines my body.
The wind makes my bones ache.
The wind freezes my existence.
Even without the wind I feel these things creep upon me.
As I dare my friend to scream as loud as she can I hope she doesn't back out. Little does she know I want to let everything that is built up inside of me out.
I just need an excuse to scream in the middle of an empty road.
The wind cuts my hands , my arms and my face.
Tonight I didn't have to do it.
The wind did everything for me.
 Feb 2015 Rachael Judd
Your eyes are distorted.
Your eyes aren't perfect inside.
The outside of your eye is one of the great wonders.
Stormy and torn up one moment.
Sunny and inspired the next.
I see the love and I see the hate.
I have a plan to make you see what's real.
Take it.
It's within reach, it's not hard.
Help me, help you.
Take it.
 Feb 2015 Rachael Judd
 Feb 2015 Rachael Judd
And in her eyes, the way she looked around
I could feel the coldness of winter nights.
But oh, in her eyes too, the way she looked at me,
I felt the warmth that could melt all the ice stiffen inside me...
 Feb 2015 Rachael Judd
 Feb 2015 Rachael Judd
My voice could feel the pain,
when it screamed out your name.
 Feb 2015 Rachael Judd
Beer bottles crashed down to the ground
She heard heavy foot steps
Startled and freightened
She had no clue
What to do
Her lover walked in
A smile on his face
Her took a swing and couldnt stop
****** and battered she picks herself
A couple days later
Nobody could know
They'd be so hateful
With a smile
She walked into school
Her body was beaten
And her heart was broken
By one she loved most
She was tired of this
So she went to the roof
Where she felt okay
And then in an instant
She was alone
Dead on impact
She thought no one cared
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