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  Dec 2015 Rachael Judd
DC raw love
Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house...
There were no signs of love, not even for a mouse....

There was no Christmas tree with glitter and lights..
Just boxes to sleep in and a smelly old couch....

There old whiskey bottles glistening in the night.....
There were feelings of loneliness and feelings of doubt.....

There were candles for light, with no hope in sight...
The chimney was boarded to keep the cold out...

A home for homeless, hungry, lonely and cold....
Wanting someone to love them before they grow old....

With a light through the window, then a bang on the door....
In came the police and they dragged them out the door.....

Moral to the story....
If you don't get what you want for Christmas.... Be joyful that you have someone that loves you!!!!
Merry Christmas and God Bless....
  Dec 2015 Rachael Judd
Her legs stretched out.
His palms wrapped around her hips.
Her body clung to his.
His breathing calm.
She feels his pace,
as their bodies embrace,
paralyzed by pleasure,
encapsulated forever.
"Everyone deserves
to meet that person
that makes them quiver."
Rachael Judd Dec 2015
She looks at herself in the mirror,
Examining her face and aging wrinkles
Her eyes turn towards me, i know she hates what she sees.
She watches herself in the mirror tears swelling in her eyes.
She shifts to the left and grabs her razor,
Slitting her throat and screaming.
why is there blood streaming down my neck
I glance in the mirror
She's me, dying in the bathroom with a cut just below her jawline
The walls are going dark and all I see is red.
Rachael Judd Dec 2015
These dark waters crowd the minds of soulless lovers buried deep in the ocean sea. Where love is breaking like ocean waves. Lovers stand in these dark waters, bringing knifes to there chests and dark waters turn red.
Rachael Judd Dec 2015
Break me free, from this prison you have kept me in.
Let me go, spread my wings so I can breathe again.
I need air in my lungs and grass under my feet.
Take me away from these gray walls and concrete.
there are bars along the walls and you come to say hello,
You bring a red rose.
I know your trying to show me love,
But I am grey.
Your red rose is white in my eyes.
Rachael Judd Nov 2015
I used to love the sound of your voice now it screams in my head and my ears are bleeding
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