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592 · Sep 2016
Writer's Block
probablyscripted Sep 2016
Just why in the world can't I write a poem?
Couple of words can pull this crap
But none of a piece seems to come out
Why? Just why can't I think of a term
This gets me frustrated as this rant goes on
And to think of it, this **** is already bad as it sounds
Truly peevish as the name suggests
Oh why did I let this **** happen?
It seems to me that the words already left
Somewhen I don't even remember
While I'm too busy making much of this trash.
351 · Sep 2016
probablyscripted Sep 2016
Our existence was just another mistake
We're puppets made for the sake of His show
Exchanging lifeless smiles as we wake
Somehow, putting a show, trying to be real
Our pains is just a substitute for regret
Our joys are just illusions, an unreachable desire
The things we cling to as we try to forget
That we are bounded, bounded by the strings
Strings of lies that entangles us in every twirl
As one tries to break-free of his mess
260 · Sep 2016
probablyscripted Sep 2016
Its too easy to fall
To and endless void
With nothing to hold,
There are no walls

But can't you try
At least for some time
To stay by my side
Stay until you tire

Don't leave me alone
Stuck in this place
Travelling in haste
As I wanted to drown

Just to be with the one
Who's already gone
Stay. Don't go. Not just yet.
195 · Oct 2016
probablyscripted Oct 2016
I wanted to stand on my own
Live life how I wanted it to be
But as I stand, I fell down
Every single time I was me
192 · Mar 2017
probablyscripted Mar 2017
It pains me to be revived by the guilt
As it keeps me awake in the middle of the night
Drown me oh dear, take over my whole
Flow through my veins, rush towards my core
Fill this vessel with the passion to ****
Let me live as I will

— The End —