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Wind sweeps me
off feet
away from
eden's weeds,
ankles buried.

Gaze momentarily peeks
overhead scenery
between steepest
seas of greenery
so clearly breached,
sun beams cleave
trees' canopies
as they breathe.

Grieving the reasons
seasons recede,
summer's heat retreats
before fall will weep
each and every red leaf.

Beneath bark
heart still beats
like machinery,
arteries bleed
and release debris,
branches secreting seeds
til winter's freeze
timbers' limbs empty.

Arms that reach
for sweet reverie
of the breeze
but instead
creaking knees disagree
as body pleas for relief,
searching for
fleeting serene peace
in frigid degrees.

Featureless creature
seized by defeat
no safety,
plagued by diseased

But time's slipstream
reality the
only guarantee;
though no belief that
letting go means I'm free
with nothing to keep
yet memories
heavily weighing down
beleaguered dreams.

So I still seek;
each piece of autumn
melancholy potpourri,
fragrantly reminding me
as I sleep.
Original ending didn't quite sit right with me so I completely changed it (and did a handful of other edits throughout the rest of it)... something about the crisp fall air has always evoked nostalgia but seems like today thats finally just turned into melancholy, maybe that's just what happens after a while 🤷‍♂️

Initially came up with this snippet then never ended up working it in, guess it was just too literal for my style lol... maybe stands alone as its own poem?

Why do I still see you
when I sleep,
in my dreams?
I said goodbye so
Why won't your ghost
leave me be?
Plagued by memories
i’d describe the way the sun feels on my face if i knew i could do it justice. its late autumn and the bus came directly on the minute. i hate orange but i couldn’t look at the sun and then tell you that. bless the city and bless the trees but bless suburbia most of all. suburbia is like a teenage boy who doesn’t try, is effortless in hs perfect face (perfect teeth, perfect soul, perfect mouth). he’s my favourite and he smiles when i walk into class. his hair is orange this time of year. i’ve never told him i hate orange because i don’t hate it on him. autumn peels the hot wax of summer off and my skin sings with the fresh air.
Entrapped  within a single body,
living together in an uneasy harmony.

One dissipates Slow and Steady.
The other dominates, depending on the place, time, or money.  

Eventually, one must win and the others loose.  
When that moment arrives, they all leave
with or without a warning.

Yet, this is not an end, but a continuation. The cycle persists, repeating over millions of years.

The same souls, returning again and again.  Inhabiting different bodies, continuing their eternal journey.
laborers and bees
swarm in simple ignorance
dancing in sun's dreams

Broken mothers
trying to heal
Broken Hearts
Broken wheels
Trying to turn
Back the clock
Broken mothers
Doctor Spock

All their debris
Clusters of past
Greedy addictions
Family out cast
Broken parts
Trying to heal
Broken mothers
Silence kills
Traveler 🧳 Tim
i leave behind tiny breadcrumbs
for you to not be lost along the way
but then as tiny and tasty they can be
some gone eaten away by insects
and some rotten away,
that goes unnoticed.

i wish i could have given
you the wisdom of life
taught you the ways to
be kind and loved
that cherish
your foundation, but then you
being streetsmart as you
already are
never cared
but yourself.

now, i am just glad
your doing fine
on your own.
still thankful,
that you've grown
well and good.

I don't mind that
you may forget me
along the life journey
you take.  

i as alone as i am
walks like a passerby
that blends in the sidelines.
walks alone
and content
to what i have.
take care and live well
as do i...
September 2024
HP Poet: Victoria
Age: 59
Country: UK

Question 1: A warm welcome to the HP Spotlight, Victoria. Please tell us about your background?

Victoria: "My name is Victoria, I'm 59 and from Wirral, North West England. I studied and had a career in social work, predominantly the field of Child Protection. I was married, I'm happily single. I am the eldest of 6 and have 5 children and 5 grandchildren. Home growing up was dysfunctional, I lived through my teens with my nan. I'm passionate about my family, Liverpool fc and my friends. I was addicted ******. My bio says: "Previously life was complex, I helped make it that way, now, I keep it simple and fun." It's true."

Question 2: How long have you been writing poetry, and for how long have you been a member of Hello Poetry?

Victoria: "I joined Hello Poetry in 2011 and that's when I started writing poetry. Mostly, I started with rhyme and then found that prose better fit my parlance."

Question 3: What inspires you? (In other words, how does poetry happen for you).

Victoria: "I'm inspired by my many experiences, with others and in nature. I'm inspired by poetry here, always. Many a poem has stayed with me, long after reading. Writing poetry was suggested to me and my writing developed, it gave me a voice to express, that which more often I had held silent."

Question 4: What does poetry mean to you?

Victoria: "What poetry means to me happens both in the reading and the writing. Poetry for me, gives and changes perspective, I gain new sensibilities and find through the writing, as in life there is, constant readjustment."

Question 5: Who are your favorite poets?

Victoria: "I have lots of favourite poets here, at Hello Poetry. I've made many friends and been fortunate to meet a few. I also enjoy discovering new poets and I am always amazed at the talent out there."

Question 6: What other interests do you have?

Victoria: "I enjoy fishing: music, photography and feeding my family home grown produce. I've rented an allotment plot for about 12 years, it is where I grow veg, fruit and flowers. My other pastimes are travel, walking, watching the footy and the occasional wild night out with close friends."

Carlo C. Gomez: “Thank you so much for giving us this opportunity to get to know the man behind the poet, Victoria! We are honored to include you in this ongoing series!”

Victoria: "Thank you, Carlo."

Thank you everyone here at HP for taking the time to read this. We hope you enjoyed coming to know Victoria a little bit better. I most certainly did. It is our wish that these spotlights are helping everyone to further discover and appreciate their fellow poets. – Carlo C. Gomez

We will post Spotlight #20 in October!

this person, who reads somehow
almost every poem here deposited,
how he does it, a secret, well kept,
but hardly hidden, for he signals
his appreciation in so many ways,
and s p o t l i g h t s those who frequent
contribute, cheerleader and coach
with keen eye and sharpness of brain,
he affectively, affectionately, injects &
infects this little expanse,
this Kingdom of York,
where lovers meet,
speaking in their own
dialect of kindness…

writes himself with a uniqueness,
dare I say in his owned style?
there is never a doubt
who has authored his work,
so many superb scripts,
but his better good works,
present in his presence here,
bringing out the best of the
multiplicities of each of us

but of whom do I speak?


Carlo C. Gomez

of course!
repost his poems please
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