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faded mauve
fluttering along
selenitic walks
the sound of
abandoned ship bells
in the far
parlor north
but the guilt of
wind is silent
like Venetian whispers
from motionless lips

us, then
inward and upward
one step too far
a house of strangers
tipping like boats
seaworthy as sleep
oars divide
the ocean
but framed pictures
and love letters
unite the walls
to this unstable floor
then, us
always, us

I learned in school but what a pity
Forgot raindrops fall with constant velocity
It's not by chance but a matter of balance
Betwixt the weight of the falling drop
And sum of the buyoant force and friction of air.

But to be very fair I really don't bother
And when there's smell of rain in the air
Without thinking about laws of motion
I take a brolly or any other precaution
Yet I feel it a joyous achievement
When I lay my head bare to the firmament
So they pour and drench me every bit
Dollops of raindrops cool and sweet
Can't be defined in words the wellness I feel
When over me from the tree the drops spill.
Not all the nights were moonlit bright
the darker ones fed upon our fright
buried in depth lay the lonely souls
bones still alive eyes burning coals.

Nights on which moon dimly shone
feebly glowed those marble stones
with names etched of young and old
songs lost forever stories never told.

We talked in whispers lest the dead awoke
soldiers' graveyard life snuffed in smoke
buried in uniform now one with the soil
past all glories win's reward loss's toil.

Night lengthened wind's moan arose
the watchman called it's time to close
the living must go awaits their home
tombstones part for the dead to roam.
I frequented a neighborhood cemetery along with a friend in the 70's when access was unrestricted. We used to stay till late evening when it was deserted. The cemetery had memorial tombstones of soldiers died in World War I. This is a recollection from that time.
I won't be your friend, the girl was crying
The sun mercilessly beat on her
Her opal tears glistened on her cheeks
My eyes no more a dry river.

I imagined lifting her up
Hold her close to my chest
Hug her through the mingling of rivers.

Her tears engraved a deep scar in me
I won't be your friend cut me like a knife
Oh little girl, how much you know about life
And the times when your eyes will be dry.

Through the haze, I whispered
Come child, we will be friends forever
I'll stoop down to your age
We'll be equal, a child and a man.

I take her hand in mine
Look into the teary reflections in her eyes
Read the pain.

Don't ever say, you won't be my friend
We'll be friends forever, two rivers
One dying, and the other coursing to the sea.
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