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Dec 2014
They're all moving on.
Better lives,
Better them.

I'm happy,
for them.

Yet I can't help,
but despair.

Who's gonna pull me out?

None but I.

But for the life of me,
I can't bring myself to.

for I'm sinking deeper.

for I can't help myself.

for this self-pity to end.

None that knows this misery,
for it'll be they who hurt.

Enough that I'm the only,
left in a destructive shell.

Time after time,
I thought I'm moving,
to a peaceful,
healthier life.

Time and again,
I fall back,
into this pit of darkness,
as though screaming,
yet unheard.

It hurts,
to know none bother,
Or notice.

I beg,
for the day of eternal release.
Written by
halfheartedsoul  SG
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