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Dec 2014
Red hair falling over shoulders and short pretty curls
All of her weaknesses are everything you ever were
Thunder and lightning might just deserve each other
Because when the storm comes everyone wonders
And everyone watches
And you both like that

With her fake smiles and your attention deficit
Not even perfection deserves imperfect
Now she thinks she's perfect and I hate to be the one to break the news
But the only one that's closer to imperfect is you
Get out while you can neither of you can put glass back together
Because once it's shattered it's gone baby and it won't ever come back
You can try to glue until all of your fingers bleed
But either way it will cut you open when you try to sleep
I shouldn't kick a dog when it's down
But hell you can lie in the mess you made
Until every piece of yourself is ripped away

Maybe you two are just a perfect match
With her bruised knees and your spineless back
Go find each other and go run away
I'm so done caring and I'm so done with the hate
Times up. Game over. She won.
But when everything falls apart don't come crying to me
Sobbing out that she was your first one
Because you like the attention
And you like the lies
And everyone is watching
You like them staring as you walk by

So I'll watch from the side as it all goes up in flames
Because in the end you won't even be able to say her name
And what am I going to do about it?
Nothing because I don't care about you or your attention deficit
You can move on and I'm over it.
Written by
AllAtOnce  19/F/United States
(19/F/United States)   
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