I want my stone It's in It's a pocket A cave I'd never like to find myself there But for my hand I want my stone Where's my stone To go into my stone
Tear scent denim on the bedroom floor, cradle for a cheekbone. A portable reading light A book bent backwards A coiled ribbon There They are me On this bedroom floor Under one table where someone was once beautiful and then still also after
If the world would touch me softly please I might pretend that i am barely there And the world might pretend it too
Is it possible to focus a moment more into one sense? Maybe could i live one moment as more a sound
Tree branches almost seem Like they move slower Than the wind and air Sometimes And now Thats me Sometimes
But i can't stay You were hurting me with the bin And the unwanted It was not needed Maybe i understand But no Nothing nothing No
A piece of thread floating But moving past the leaf canopy And the town Village landscape But glimpsing glimpsing the pale blue Across those few changing colours
Old place Where i left my thoughts I can see you now But i never quite left it all
One day The light won't Touch your naked skin anymore When houses are the haunting And my ghosts were your life
Possibly the **** of the first time i tried Who else burried a heartbeat maybe Under stone or nettle Or in your earth and life?
Still you take me to you Not even a stony galaxy Though that word seems not-right Thank you thank you A place that won't leave dents in my knees
Like a polished statue head Not beauty In fact I almost melt But there's a person of A passing person A barely there and rarely remembered person about it Them
vision then vision then but i must be breathing or something close like an echo coz my hands are speaking, like these words and changing screens they came from this very day
my body has used this now place here like a human and.
I'd just like to be just a figure in their bed now gentle and blending in softness and calm stillness like to inhale
A face weighs down shoulders Don't make me a person
but please though.
i never liked an uninvited light when it sliced through my night-space
But a whisper I don't know But i know sometimes there's this imprint on the pillow beside me just then i picture the walking man i spoke of once before but no but absolutely not like it at all coz this whisper is like the space of a something. The world knows
Thank you
my head was doing the thing again i guess (CRAYON)