If I can punch a guy in the eye for 50% off WiFi imagine would I would do for pride thanking god for these blessing At the dinner table Then choked a dude out with a cat 5 cable For the marked down kitchen table Daddy got a new pair of shoes in exchange for some black and blues Had a happy thanks giving a few F yous got hit in the head by a granny Over some slippers in isle two She punched me in the face And rolled over my shoes as she cheered from her wheeled chair So i pushed her chair into some tissues I gotta do what I gotta do Besides Another 60 off the label you would do the same too! I'm loading up on everything, even bought some blues clues, Buying **** I don't need, cause it's the thing to do. Going off just like my cable Forget family time on the holidays I more I save it's like I'm getting paid Buying **** I don't need Then return it in may critics criticize these little guys