In the cold I sit alone With myself: Cup in my hands; Raised it up, to invite The sun, the moon and My fathers, for a drink, A drink, through the milkyway A pause A silence Questions Bewildering Freezing cold Teary eye Curiosity fades - the silence. Come drink with me, my fathers Come drink with me, morning sun I seek friendship with the past I seek wisdom with the past I seek travelling mercies A cup in my hands Cold questions in my heart Future, frozen in silence Come drink with me, through The many lights of the constellation, To a future, of liquid beauty Come drink with me, The warnth of the sages, through this lean path; Dotted with thorn piercing puzzles. Bruised feet Wounded hearts Pilgrims surrender The crown has fallen Servants rule Come my fathers Come morning sun For a drink with your son Before I succumb to the many voices, in my ears.