I have to admit that I am quite sick I am sick of being anxious I am sick of my unconscious and its thoughts that shape the way I behave
I was told that because of Anxiety I have developed this need, a thought that like a small seed started growing inside myself slowly stretching its roots reaching and taking control over the deepest and hidden part of my soul a thought that slowly turned into a voice my voice
I began to talk to myself as I was someone else as I was someone coming from the outside who shouting and giving me orders craved to control myself from the inside “Isabel you can’t let Anxiety win” this is what I told myself many times until one day my complex mind decided to prove that it was able to regain control over my mind and soul
I started from what to me were the easiest steps to control losing weight and my food intake they were so easy to restrain that I did not realise that by counting calories I was helping that inner voice become more and more powerful and I…I was not regaining control at all
Today I am still struggling and I do not know how long it will take for me to defeat Anxiety but maybe this is what it is all about understanding that overall no one can be in absolute control