The baby goat's mother was shot. And I was forced to listen to it cry. Forever forlorn and distraught And i stood there- hands covering ears Traveling back in time ---------------------------------------------------- Your mothers heart stopped And I was forced to listen to you cry. Lost in a huge world, more alone And i stood there- hands covering ears
I heard you through the vents "My mom is dead! My mom is dead" Falling to the floor I wished I still dreamt But she had called me before her bed
I heard her voice message months later You still cried yourself to sleep at night Sleeping with earplugs....I wish I didn't bake Because I thought I killed her that night
Peanut butter cookies: She taught me the recipe. And two days before she vanished, I brought her a dozen. Autopsy reports showed an hour before death; She took two bites of my cookies- Went upstairs and her heart stopped.
Coincidentally exactly four years later, I finally made peanut butter cookies again And the smell of sweet peanut butter roasting Stopped my heart