Cover this body with layers upon layers, Each one hiding the secrets I don't want To tell. They yell my ***, Scream it out Shout it and others follow suit. Four letter words may make violence but S-H-E causes earthquakes inside me. My curves curse me to wear my ** Chromosomes like neon paint Warning sign: This person was born Female. Born into an imaginary category, Forced to conform. My mind Is at war with the mirror eyes staring back Those little details sticking out Highlight them, cutandpaste to another Body. Maybe this bandage will keep me safe from The gender police maybe people will be Confused and not ask Maybe they will ask For once and not assume. Maybe I'll lose enough oxygen that it won't Matter. Matter is all I am, atoms twisted together in Disarray and how can you call that Anything but what it is. I defy this binary, refuse to walk the PinkorBlue tightrope. Let me fall and land in purple. Let me live in the inbetween.