Surrounded by emotions, That I can't sort into good or bad Surrounded by stress, That I can weigh in importance.
Surrounded by guilt, I can't tell if is illogical or not, Surrounded by shadows That I can't tell are real or not.
If this is what it feels like to be crazy, Then I long to be just troubled, And if Im considered normal, I shudder at the thought of insanity.
I walk through life regreting every word Every look Every touch EVERY YELL every whisper eVerY BoUGhT of InSANIty And trying to reasure myself I do fine, When everything screams at me You messed up again!
So I'm sorry to the people who stay near me and fake a smile, As I annoy you to no ends But you can't say anything because you pity me, And you have to deal with me always tagging along As you pray I take the hint.
Please tell me when I annoy you, I promise I won't be angry, And if I am its not at you. Because everytime I'm angry, I'm just yelling at myself.