Walk onto a stage called life and take a look around. There's much to be found in such a small space, more to give and much to take as the curtains called and you're pulled into this performance. Stare into the audience and pray for applause but what if you're met with silence? Spotlight on you as your hopes are ejected and you my friend have just been rejected and that is a hard thing to take. So take a seat, a rejection seat.
Front row to your failures as they come In-ter-view. Call it the Dragons Den the Lions Pit and yet they ask me what kind of animal i'll be as i sit and daydream about Spiderman in a suit listing qualities of make believe as he's forced to fill in a CV just like me; not that i'm a superhero, i'm just saving face you see, it's just an amusing thought to ease the anxiety.
And the voluntears they come in turn. Call em that cause they come momentarily to remind me involuntarily that sometimes i do need help and not all things are easy, not all things are meant to be. So i take a seat, will you take one with me?
As you watch that relationship sail and wonder how did it fail? Bon voyAge is irrelevant. Whether it be school crush folly to divorcee it's a learning curve right? Hard when it seems the only thing you taught me is what it means to feel lonely. It's cold in that place called the one way street, so take a seat. Pull up a chair to something that's no longer there and share in despair as you stare at your feet.
But you will raise your head eventually. Adopt the thinkers pose, indulge in some feelosophy. Cause a friend once said to me that rejection is a time for reflection and i tend to agree. So tell me, as i stare into the face of rejection why is it that i see my own reflection? Am i cursed to take this personally? It's always the shoulda, woulda, couldas that get to me. Do they get to you? If so take a seat.
And are you sitting uncomfortably? Cause you shouldn't be. Take comfort as you stare along row upon row of chairs that stretch along beyond you and me. Side to side, across from and diagonally. Filling the Feartre. There's many to be found in such a small space, more that give and much that take and though this may be the closing scene there's another show tomorrow and you and I will receive our standing ovation, just take my hand and stand with me. Cause this seat was only ever meant to be temporary.