You don't limit your life to social media. In reality, social media limits you to your life. A selfie with this and a selfie with that. Your life is race for comments and likes. Instead of having a personality worth praising You are now judged based on your social media profiles.
Status update: I wish I could visit Paris some day. In Paris you're like, "Where can I get signals for wifi?"
Your achievements are unlocking new levels of Candy Crush Is that the legacy you'll leave behind? As if all these achievements will benefit you to unlock the doors of heaven when you'll die. Your 940 friends won't be able to help you by sending a booster or an extra life.
Relationship Status: Happily married. Happy and married until the moment you both go offline.
You buy everything from behind the screen Error 404: Cannot buy love and time. It's a complicated maze that you won't accept Even when they themselves call it a website. You don't limit your life to social media. In reality, social media limits you to your life.