The moon shakes our embrace One last time And for the last time Our parting shall be sweet Though our hearts are far From complete But grant me one last request Though I cannot love you again Let me love you Like I did before we met
Do we surely become strangers Like two lines that'll never meet As they converge for once forever Then split to smithereens Like the veins that form our hearts So widespread That defects are hard to spot When one fails to function Who shall serve to see? One to many like our loving Who's to say we won't deplete?
So the next time that we meet Do we act like strangers incomplete As if love had never happened It was just a time of greed Greed to love and to be loved Triggered all these thoughts of folly We were blinded by the kind deeds Born out of desire to keep
Now you too shall let me go Like the ones that left before Before twilight starts to set in And we break our words once more Before deliberation breaks the pace And we concur with objections raised
Walk away from madness brooding Walk away from penchant gloom All these flowers will stop blooming As if warning us of doom
Till all our transgressions come clean We are faulty to play judge Of whose love (or lack of) was culprit That brought about this great downfall
The next time we love we fill ourselves With reassurance to start over
But you never really do forget The lips of your first lover