If you were literature I'd tattoo you all over me and let you seep through my skin filling my veins with your words. There are a lot of pieces that make up the English language: capitals, semicolons, that ******* Oxford comma but you, you give english a definition. Love, when you speak to me I see the word bubbles levitating above your head pinning down each sentence with fragments of your voice your lips form stories, the kind I actually like reading the poems that leave me wanting more and trust me I DO WANT MORE. But I'm Dr. Suess and you are Shakespear.
I'm sorry, I'm not what you deserve that my lines are crooked and pages wrinkled that you deserve heavenly white sheets to share the curvature of your letters with If only I could hold the spiral notebook that is you caress your leather cover I would whisper all the definitions inscribed in my brain associated with your existence, trying to untangle the string of words you knotted.
But reality isn't written. I cannot serenade you with my words you will forever be on top of this modern caste system and there are no ladders how can I talk to you at a football game when you're the one on the field that today is survival of the fittest, if someone were to take you into their arms it would boost their reputation, but you are not my reputation You are the language I want to speak You are the lyrics to every song You are all my favorite words. And yes, I may just be the routinely period at the end of your sentences and the chances of being with you shouldn't even be considered "chances" but since someone such as you exists, I can promise.
I can promise you all these imperfect sweet nothings until my pen runs out of ink. Always.