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Oct 2014
i don't have much
but i'll give you my heart
though it's broken not whole
but darling i promise you
i'll love you with all my soul

i don't have much
but i'll give you my loyalty
and love you unconditionally
i know how it feels like to be cheated on
so darling trust me
i would never do you wrong

i don't have much
neither i'm beautiful nor i'm pretty
i even have scars on my body
and darling you don't have
to change for me
when i look at you
only perfection is all i see

i don't have much
but if you need someone to talk to
even at 3 am
i'll be there for you
to make you feel better
tell me your problems
and darling i promise i will listen

i don't have much
but i'll try my best to make you happy
feeling your world
with joy and laughter
no more troubles
no more worries
just you and me darling i promise
wrote something happy for a change :)
Written by
Aiman  x
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