Beyond the farms of my troubled fears, a path weaves through icy slivers of bone, glossed by Winter’s breath, who sits enthroned aside her onyx pond, reflecting.
“The challenge you face is twofold: confront me and confront yourself.”
A black jaguar saunters from her ivory throne, holding my gaze in the vice of its assured indifference.
“That which you seek may not be found, but earned.”
My dagger shakes, frozen tightly in my sweating palm. The lush snow absorbs the crush of my knees as the jaguar closes.
“Your unearthed answer, clean of instinct or knowledge, bids closer reflection.”
At arm’s length, the jaguar stops.
“Change does not ride the wind, for the wind has direction.”
The jaguar’s breath warms my quivering lips, and I exhale my unbidden thoughts. My eyes, still fixed in place, are not aware of my rising hand.
“To understand is to forgive, and to forgive is to love.”
Her words chill the blood pooling in my outstretched palm, quivering closer to my host. The ferric scent tickles its whiskers, and the jaguar laps up my gift.