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Sep 2014
I just clicked the "shuffle" button on the main page, for the first time,
Did y'all know that was there?
Honestly,  it saddened me because all the poems I read only had, on average, about two or three likes and most of them were absolutely amazing!
So, I went to these unknown poets pages and got even sadder, hardly any followers either!  
It's a shame that with all the readers,  poets and writers alike that any poet would go unnoticed.

This is my challenge for you...  It's not to write any poems...
Click the shuffle button! Read the poems, like them, share them, add them,  everything!  

Help the new and upcoming poets get the recognition and feedback they deserve for their writing!  

1. Click shuffle
2. Read Poems
3. Like and Comment
4. Repeat Ten Times
This is dedicated to CourageWhispers, the first "unknown poet" I found using shuffle, she's amazing,  please go to and read her poems.
This is also for all the poets on here that get discouraged by their lack of reads and likes, stay optimistic, you'll be discovered soon.
The Girl Who Loves You
Written by
The Girl Who Loves You  Within My Heart
(Within My Heart)   
         Olivia, Gwen, Peter Tanner, Erica, aesha nisar and 70 others
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