His instant coffee sits at the back of the drawer in the break room Just like always His coffee cup, work phone sits in his box waiting for him Just like always
I wait for him in the mornings in the break room Waiting, listening for him to walk through the door Just like always
When the door doesn't open I remind myself Its been two months now Its been real for two months And your never going to walk through those doors again Your never going to pull out your instant coffee and coffee mug Rushing around because your late for your shift again
So I work I avoid "your" work It makes me think too much of you It makes me want to hear your joyful laugh again So I work
Break time comes I sit on the couch waiting Sometimes seconds Sometimes minutes Sometimes the whole time Waiting for you to come around the corner with a new discovery To discuss your new favorite youtube video But then I remind myself Its been two months now Its been real for two months
So I work I avoid "your" work It makes me think too much of you It makes me want to hear your joyful laugh again So I work
You're often the topic of discussion I avoid it It hurts too much Your name is like the sound of nails across the chalkboard Stabbing me in the chest making it hard to breath Your name is like sugar Sweet and sincere Bringing a smile to my face
But I have to remind myself when I see cars that look just like yours Its been two months now Its been real for two months
So I work I avoid "your" work It makes me think too much of you It makes me want to hear your joyful laugh again So I work
This is about a co-worker whom I was close with, who committed suicide over the summer. Its been hard and continues to be hard but I know he would have wanted me to continue on with my life.