Close my eyes tonight In hopes of happiness and peace Using my determination as a light To scare away the darkness and the monsters that comes with Its hard to manage when you don't mind the dark some days Don't mind walking in the dark Prefer it most days But that’s in this world Not the world of my head In the world of my head I have to shine this light around And push it all away So I can keep pushing forward So that I can explore the new part of my mind That is attempting to take over my world as we speak I've already decided it can't have it I won't let it squelch the things I've worked so hard for Determination it shall fear And I shall not fear it No matter how hard it pushes I may have to step back But I refuse to stand at the bottom of this mountain And pretend everything is ok. I've already attempted that I've already looked for the answer at the bottom of a bottle The answer isn't there The answer is in Determination and patience Forgiveness of myself.