Some mornings looking in the mirror Is like seeing a stranger in my body Trying to figure out where she came from While I'm suffocating in the unsuspecting comforts of my own body My own mind. The thoughts that consume me They aren't mine The actions that take over when things go wrong They aren't mine I'm searching for a breath of fresh air Searching for that break through moment So many people looking at me Wondering what is wrong Why am I like this. The actions that take over The thoughts that take over None of them are me I'm slowly being suffocated in my own body. Some days when I look in the mirror I just wonder what is wrong with me Why can't I just kick it to the curb Just kick everything bad that goes on inside to the side And just let it sit in the corner and be silent. Some days I wonder why everyone else has all this insight Yet I'm the one who can't seem to make it stop Some nights when I lay in bed I look out my window And wish upon a star And pray to the higher powers that be That they can take it all away. That someday I can look in the mirror and recognize the girl looking back. Recognize the woman I have become. One day I will One day that mirror will look back at me with a smile It will look at me knowing the hard times I've had And realize that I survived.