Forgot the man who said He used to hide in the TV shelf's cabinet Out of anxiety and sadness Hidden from everyone But haunted by demons He could not escape
Remember the one who bikes at full-speed Strong legs, taking himself places On adventurous journeys To the neighboring destinations
Remember uncovering the eyes of the girl you love To show her an expression of your ardor In full bloom.
I want to love someone like you Someone articulate In expressing compatibility Someone free-spirited and sturdy I want the you I remember
The you that remains is one I forgot The sadness that desperately clings to The joy that nervously trembles on the steeple
I know there is more to be remembered And less to forget
The story I remember is spray-painted On a construction site spelling out:
It is music playing in a nearby house Two love-struck teenagers Dancing under lamposts Imagining moonlight
The you that remains Is you with your puppies And just loving the runt "Maybe", I think now, "He's the runt and the runt is him"