Over night busses infused withΒ the smell of *** and popcorn Bright eyed, happy kids with grubby faces no tears in sight Dusty chaotic little towns fully charged with life A chance meeting with a wild character Offers of an experience we couldn't refuse We paid up Loaded up And sped off Into the velvet of the night Headlights and darkness wrestling in the dust Then the dead of the desert Nothing
Everything Night skies bursting with stars Midnight picnics Cheap box wine, sandwiches and chocolate Chasing enormous moons Morning hangovers Magnified by the stark sun Fluid shadows cast Where waves once crashed But now A barren emptiness Holding so many secrets Looking very closely Oh, we did look closely Evidence of ancient aquatic life Chalk like ghosts set in the sand Appearing only as the wind allows Whale bones and rare blackened sharks teeth There in the most arid place on earth The Atacama desert Peru Three days and nights we were out there hunting Amongst the bashful bones of her prey Hunting the formidable, elusive and extinct M E G A L O D O N Apex predator of the oceans There in that parched sand Clear signs of her hunting But she remained unseen Too modest to bare her beauty to this martian land Waiting for the seas to rise Maybe not for too much longer