and while it isn’t something that everyone wants it’s something that everyone has three years ago I learned how much I took life for granted when I tried to take my own life three years ago I watched my mom cry in my hospital room when she realized she took my life for granted as well as her own three years ago I heard my daddy screaming at the nurse when they told him what I’d done You see, my dad has always been a cynical man but not a day went by that he didn’t tell me that life is a beautiful thing that can give out terrible situations “expect the worst and hope for the best”, he’d always tell me three years ago, I was expecting what I thought was the best as I swallowed a bottle of pills three years later, I realize I was doing neither of those things but rather I was saying “***** it” and quitting I wasn’t expecting the worst because I was silly and thought my life was already the worst and I wasn’t hoping for the best because I was naive and thought I’d never see “the best” again.